General Discussion

General DiscussionTeam for Tournament.

Team for Tournament. in General Discussion
bum farto

    Here's a quick rundown...decent tournament, decent prize pool, not a lot of good teams cause it's unheard of so winning chances are high.

    What I need:

    Because Tonks was the one that found the tournament for me it's on condition that she plays, which means she and I will be supporting. What I am looking for is players for the 3 core positions which shouldn't be to hard to find.

    To put it into perspective our first two games are players like this and this

    Towards the end though we will be facing of against a few good teams (probably Vrokstack) so it would pay to set a few guidelines for what I expect for the team.

    1. No fucking salt.
    2. Would like to see players at 5k+ but will shift the requirement based on experience
    3. I am the Captain input is taken into consideration but the last call is mine. I don't care if you think you're right, or even right.
    4. No complaining about players or the game, no GG's till I say so, and no "we've lost" comments.
    5. We're in this to win as many games as we can it that means the finals then great, if it means 3 games then a knock out so what. NO. FUCKING. CRYING.

    As long as the above is agreeable you're welcome to post below if you want to give it a run. Brackets are here and if you can't make the whole thing then don't bother. Known players, or friends will get preference.

    TL;DR Low key tournament with decent winnings, need 3 more for a composed winning group.


      Volunteering as a ward.


        would like to watch


          quite a pity im not on holiday, otherwise i would certainly apply.
          hope u gonna succeed, gl.


            Absolutely able to fill criteria 1, 3, 4 & 5.
            If you're still looking in a few years time I might be able to meet 2 :)

            On a serious note, I would be interested in spectating.


              Good luck! Post vods!


                @triple games have a week to be played (1 game a week), 3 games in 3 weeks.


                  if so thats possible, but my timetable suggests way too many restrictions since i play only on weekends, unless im fucked up with upcoming exams and stuff, in this case I'm not playing at all.

                  @Havoc badger
                  if it seems OK for you, I can be #3, but i got kinda retarded hero pool and also i hardly reached 5k. If u decide to play with me but later on find a better offlaner, I won't feel insulted if u change ur mind.

                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                    Invite Blunt for some 6k carrying.


                      Depends on what time it is, if I agree with the timing then count me in for carry/offlane.


                        Nah, Blunt does not apply, since he would probably flame the shit out of bad players, as i would too if they made stupid shit. Damn, you cant apply anymore, i wanted to go with some guys, but now i see we can't. Anyway, gonna be interesting to see how far can you go with Tonks in the team.

                        King of Low Prio

                          carry grills such gentlemen


                            Sampson, is 3.5k struggle real again? :)


                              I'd liek to play, i'm free in the evening every day

                              Obsidian Crown Unbound

                                5.5k atm, can play mid/carry, add me if youre interested.

                                Mortimer Smith

                                  i can play offlane


                                    When is it ?

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      I get busy and cant play for a month then come back suck and go on full tilt mode. The struggle is real, wish troll didnt look so ugly so I could pick him

                                      Giff me Wingman

                                        2. Would like to see players at 5k+ but will shift the requirement based on experience


                                        U need at least 4 7k people to get anywhere, with you in that team that means they are playing 4v6.


                                          W-well I could join but I main support. I'm not sure if I can play core properly in cm...


                                            The great shitposter thinks he's smart.

                                            Yea, mason was totally above 7k mmr when he scored 3rd in TI4.


                                              Around which hours are the matches going to be played at? it's all EU west/EU east so the lag shouldnt be problem for any European players, i guess? or is there going to be chance of playing in America or SEA (which means ping)?

                                              If you want, I am up for playing position 1 or 2. Midlane or safelane doesn't matter for me, although I think i'd preffer safelane.


                                                if matrice wants to play, i'll play too :D
                                                but srsly tho, it wold be nice to know the timing, cuz i am pretty busy with studies atm (trying not to fail too hard).
                                                btw my slark is at least 5k mmr, but i am 4.6k kappa

                                                bum farto

                                                  Kumboman, Dravic, Matrice, Rich Homie, DeL, Awaken.

                                                  I can get in touch as I know more about the timings but I genuinely think it's quite relaxed as far as schedules go.


                                                    hi :)))


                                                      can i join?

                                                      the realm's delight

                                                        i can play if needed


                                                          i would like to join to repay u dotabuff plus via winnings
                                                          1 or 2

                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                            Guys, just a friendly advice. Dont use Havoc as a guy who organize schedules and talk with oponents team, or else you're never gonna play a single game :D


                                                              Oh look some funny smurf 150 games played comments on havoc who has 6000 games played.

                                                              I really dont know Havoc THAT well but why would anyone hiding behind a smurf account call some people out like that? it doesn't make any sense.

                                                              bum farto

                                                                Not sure who he is but he does have a point, I am pretty ass at organizing due to being busy. Thankfully, I have someone else doing this for me.

                                                                I don't think it was intended as an insult.

                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                  I think it was, that guy is always an ass to everyone.


                                                                    Add me on steam , boosting this account (watch the winstreak) , i'm about 4400 MMR, with good decision making and fast fingers ;)

                                                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                      Can play mid or carry. ez

                                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                        too bad not often((

                                                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                          Too bad... :(


                                                                            When is the tournament going to be? Might be interested in joining if you want..


                                                                              Call me when they put Oracle in captains mode.


                                                                                weareblack vs dotabuff united would be a nice final


                                                                                  Jokes aside, I could possibly join if that means the 2 other cores are players I respect.

                                                                                  Don't know how it fits my schedule though, as I'm usually very tired past 17:00, and I'm 9 wins sub 6k.


                                                                                    i guess mYi gonna be in finals though


                                                                                      "I don't think it was intended as an insult."

                                                                                      It wasn't. I'm not hiding from anything or anyone, this is my main account for a bit now and it's not a smurf. And YNIT, if you consider facts as an insult or being an ass, then that's your problem.

                                                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                        I thought it was an insult because i dont find it as a fact and I seen you flame on dotabuff before.


                                                                                          I've seen few times on the forum before, that Havoc had some problems puting the dates together for his teams 'n stuff - he alone admit it, so i just suggested he may find someone else to do it. Since he already done that and i'd like to see how they do, it's all fine. I dont talk stuff or flame for no reason, i always back it up with facts.

                                                                                          Anyway, good luck and keep us informed with all progression.

                                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                            @Ez set ez life
                                                                                            No hard feelingz


                                                                                              is it Z-day or what?

                                                                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                                DAY Z?

                                                                                                the realm's delight

                                                                                                  ez year beast, ez trash set

                                                                                                  Jay Ashborne

                                                                                                    Lost it at "Vrokstack".

                                                                                                    Who coined this term... 10/10


                                                                                                      ZYA D?

                                                                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                                        chto te govorish?