General Discussion

General DiscussionLPQ is kinda fun now.

LPQ is kinda fun now. in General Discussion

    Gotta say, I don't mind it. Only 5 games, everyone has to random. anything can happen... and frankly the skill level is the same as n
    ranked matches

    Its still a punishment, but it isn't hell.

    Ce sujet a été édité


      man u smoked some strong blunts

      the realm's delight

        no its not


          yea... it really is. LPQ games are high games are pretty much the same stupidity.

          bum farto

            Well, low levels.

            "I want winrate so I am going to win this"

            Higher levels.

            "I just want to get out so I can solo queue ranked again, going to go feed meed cause who gives a shit about winrate when you have 5K+."


              ^ tHaT

              Maybe it is for you as u have low mmr COncEdE


                I dont know why my LPQ mmr is since it is based on normal.

                I get higher bracket games in LPQ than in ranked now actually.


                  if i'd have to play lpq i'd have to play normal skilled games lmao, thx god i don't get reported, im too cool

                  bum farto

                    That is because there is no bracket cap for all random LPQ games, I got a 6.3K player in a game where I was stacking LPQ with a 1.8K player.

                    Most high level players want to go back to their grind, most lower level players will play more modes than the higher ones who only solo AP games, "fun" modes are more commonly played among lower tier players.


                      i would never feed in a game nomatter if its low priority or not

                      i guess thats just french things where people give up before game starts


                        my last two lpq games were awesome.

               - carry silencer. Had a pudge. the weaver was trying to feed mid and we ignored him. After 12 deaths he sat in well abit. then fed some more. then decided to play. we ended up winning.

               -SUPPORTS VS CARRIES. everyone on our team was muted so we just spammed gg,wp or "dont give up" repeatedly. Barrel rolled down mid constantly


                          "i would never feed in a game nomatter if its low priority or not"


                          Sup m8

                            I like low prio. People are chill.


                              Havoc Badgerabout 11 hours ago
                              Well, low levels.

                              "I want winrate so I am going to win this"

                              Higher levels.

                              "I just want to get out so I can solo queue ranked again, going to go feed meed cause who gives a shit about winrate when you have 5K+."

                              Actually with higher levels its: let's finish this game quick by raping these low priority nubs so hard so we can get back into a real game.

                              Only scrubs feed in low priority.


                                lol novafag

                                ur bad and u should feel bad


                                  I feed or afk