General Discussion

General DiscussionSee how w33 is as bad as i told you guys like a year ago?

See how w33 is as bad as i told you guys like a year ago? in General Discussion

    ^Era outplayed w33 in a game.

    pros have good games and bad games like everyone else.

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        Can you explain why Drow beats SF mid instead of just throwing a words that gives us no knowledge.

        How do Drow beat SF?

        Drow has terrible attack animation, which helps for SF to get past lvl 1 quite easily, then he has razes which you can't deny.

        Then he has creepaggro to pull creeps to his hg, followed by max razes whereas Drow can't do shit cause SF will just rotate between lane and jungle.


          Sf has shorter range. At most he should hit you with 2 razes. Doesn't matter that his attack speed is better, his dmg is little so you should be able to outlasthit him. When you reach level 6 you outplay with positioning and orbwalk and can ez get a kill, its downhill for sf from there. All the souls he got just lost and shit gets worse! He's forced to kill the creep waves with 2 razes and go jungle farming in which case drow gets solo farm+jungle too! sf is controlled and does nothing around the map. -->notice if he does jungle+double raze on wave of lane creeps he should in avg at least miss 1 whole wave every 3 waves.

          skill build on drow -> passive-arrow-passive-silence-passive-ulti -depends
          hit once or twice, know the animation for sf, push him keep hitting. You see him tank the hits for closer positioning, you just back off and hit him in the back when he goes back to safer positioning.

          Whats important though is keep the lane controlled, all creeps in the middle of the wave or closer to you as you rly on hits rather than magic (sf).

          edit: and i dont know why you ask, you've seen me play drow mid. (imo you should know why)

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            assuming sf has so many problems against drow (which is total bullshit, windranger has a better projectile and attack damage than drow and sf can lane fine there) he can just get raze level 1 and start razing creeps at level 3. at level 4 or 5 hes going to have at least 20 more damage than u with a much better projectile and razes meaning he will control the lane, farm jungle and get runes while u desperately try to get level 6. if he gets haste/invis u are fucked, if he gets dd at 2 or 4 u are fucked

            u also cant do anything to him before 6, trading hits with sf even with orb walking early on is suicide as drow who hits like paper early on

            and this is all assuming drow actually does damage at level 1, where she only has around 10 extra damage compared to sf but a much worse projectile, and with no way to harass sf, hes just gonna control lane properly to ensure hes at least trading farm with you, and if he gets a few souls going ur basically done for


              i will explain in retard antistupid terms


              Drow has at least 10 more dmg (+5 from passive level 1) which is a lot and means more the lower the base dmg we're talking about.
              This is the reason @Era starts with raze and doesn't contest a 1v1 farm battle with drow @w33
              Why i say @era knows better

              Even if he gets creeps and the fast bottle (which he should with raze first skill), he will have gained zero souls which in turn means @w33 should've gotten more creeps. Sf can't go get runes because he would lose a wave and thats too important early game so i suppose he bottle crows.

              Sf gets level 2 assuming drow didn't have a chance to deny any thx to raze level 1 (shouldn't be the case cause sf can't raze 4 times in such a short period). By the time he's level 2 and sf has his bottle, games starts anew. Only difference is that sf has bottle, but then again forced to use at least half due to the mass razes. So what are we left with? The same Drow advantage!!

              Why did he lose then?
              He fails at farming, harrasing, positioning and generally a bad MID player. If sf razes him, he won't get last hits but according to these stats this stupid cuunt tanked them all.

              This shouldn't happen --> -->Dies min 3
              Die to a level 2 raze (by the time?) without help whatsoever
              He just should never get close to drow, he razes? ignore and back, he can't raze to deny but still we see him dying. SF should be forced to raze creeps and accept the fact he can't combo them with harras. In case he doesn't he should be hit!, harrased the fuck out and force him to waste the little regen that bottle rush gives.

              Also you don't harras with frost arrow, its waaaaaay slower than normal hit. You do that only when you're too close or hit that extra hit without taking aggro or preventive measures in case he wants to get closer. You just make use of your higher range and target without taking aggro and make him dance the whole game! making him dance also prevents him from having optimal positioning and reducing the chances for raze by increasing the chances for waste (less regen).

              Edit: Wr is stronger than sf long lane (for obvious reasons) and why you assuming sf>wr --> sf>drow just because wr has better projectile and attack animation doesn't matter! Her dmg is subpar and has to rely on powershot. As long as you learn to last hit with drow, that is not an issue. And for your information Drow > wr mid, a pain in the ass long lanes but once she hits level 6, depeding on vision, she should be able to have a chance.

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                sf >wr
                sf > drow
                sf>98% of heroes in dota 2 at mid

                infact only ta qop sniper can kind of rape sf in mid depending on few other factors thats not considering the fact that there is team in the game which would gank eventaully anyway

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                  despite of his 1.9 KDA, i think his guy know exactly how to play drow.look at his winrate at 5k bracket, you dont have to kill people to win


                    ^ even his top 5 hero lose against mine io's kda :'D


                      1. He isn't 5k

                      2. I still don't see how Drow wins SF, nor have I seen it done.


                        I'm starting to think you're blunt now. fuck you too i guess. i will ignore all your posts like i do with that cuunt


                          but you aren't 5k, and I haven't seen a Drow win VS. SF

                          Is that something to be embarrased of? Because you have won vs. SF mid, doesn't mean I've seen it.



                            Last 6 games with/against sf mid. From my last 2 pages of drow.

                            The last one it was 1v2 mid cause shaker never left (always fogged and not leeching xp) so i couldn't do much as going down the hill was insta death + he had a ward for vision over my hill for ez razes. + he was a good sf (made good use of the support + vision, was 6k)

                            edit: Though some of the sf i played against were trash (the one that went midas + travels, still 5k+ though)

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                            Giff me Wingman

                              4k trash mad cuz 4k trash.


                                this trash benao kid... w33 too pro to own era.. Who is era? some random trash who got lucky one match... scrubs in this community


                                  You're only providing games you won, not games that shows you won the midlane.


                                    watch them then

                                    edit: that was a won mid lane with support movements from both sides

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                                      Just watched that loss when you played Drow vs SF mid and it's obvious from the Moon, that every good SF rapes Drow mid without any question. Not even pointing out that SF got tripple kill when you, bara and another guy tried to gank him and he did that mostly alone. Maybe you won 2 or 3 bad SF players mid, but overall SF if played correctly, should win that lane pretty damn hard.


                                        Benao, its rather weird to see you getting angry and flame just because ppl do not agree that drow beats midlane sf if both players are barely equal in terms of skill. As if they were somehow insulting you, lol. It looks quite childish.

                                        edit: same as the whole thread topic, btw. idk who u r irl neither care about it, but thats how u look here.

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                                          SF can win anyone but brood and gyro in middle. (pur 1v1)

                                          Eventually huskar might win with luck on rune (aka haste).
                                          The drow matchup is tricky though, that insane damage is really annoying.

                                          Ofc there's some matchup that are all about farming and not dying, but for those, sf is a much more lategame carry than his opponent, so by just not dying he is already winning.


                                            Drow is the love of his life, it's stupid as fuck, but i can kinda understand =) Drow > Alles.


                                              you're stupid i told you! shaker was mid the whole game from min 0 ofc i didn't even contest are you fucking stupid? at least watch when i get level 6 fucking noob and learn to read the game


                                                and sf CAN win vs drow but SHOULDNT


                                                  <-- grabs popcorn ^^


                                                    I am not really sure how many of people here have ever laned against players who know how to play mid.

                                                    Benao draws his experience from some silly <5k pubs its like... nothing, i guess. First time he's gonna meet a 6.5k+ player in lane who's gonna rape him he will acknowledge he still needs to learn a lot about the game.

                                                    and Benao you are saying Drow can beat SF in vacuum in perfect situation if SF is retarded? guess what, try to theorycraft about situations where SF is NOT retarded.

                                                    ON PAPER, the pure mathematics of SF say that Drow is going to get raped by razes. He will repush waves of creeps really quickly and Drow can't stop him, and then she's a Drow, so no wave clear, so she has to tank under tower while SF grabs rune, stacks camps in jungle and generally enjoys his stay.

                                                    Midlane is not always about killing enemy and its a lot more complex. SF wants to farm, not to kill enemy.

                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                      problem lies here:

                                                      "Benao draws his experience from some silly <5k pubs its like... nothing, i guess."


                                                        Guess whose problem is that? Objectively, you have not yet played "real" dota, neither have I.

                                                        My best few situations of playing against good players was losing lane against Miracle (not Meracle) and eternalEnvy.


                                                          objectively? do you even know me? clearly not so why the fuck are you talking

                                                          Mortimer Smith

                                                            Benao what to do:
                                                            1.Watch a w33 streem
                                                            2.How much delay he has? what is the search config.
                                                            3.When he is about to finish the game you have to search game with the same search configuration.
                                                            4.Claim for go mid
                                                            5.Get rekt againist him


                                                              Sooo Benao, are you playing NEL? DId you play at any tournament against real dota 2 teams? if not, you probably didnt have many chances to actually GET REKT by someone who knows how to play midlane. :P Neither have i


                                                                i was and i was


                                                                  From the Logs.

                                                                  03:31 Shadow Fiend Shadow Fiend's Shadowraze Shadowraze killed Drow Ranger Drow Ranger. lost 120, gave 236, Dead for 19.

                                                                  04:29 Shadow Fiend Shadow Fiend's Shadowraze Shadowraze killed Drow Ranger Drow Ranger. lost 150, gave 245, Dead for 22.

                                                                  05:46 Shadow Fiend Shadow Fiend's Shadowraze Shadowraze killed Drow Ranger Drow Ranger. Assisted by Vengeful Spirit ; lost 180, gave 254, Dead for 26.

                                                                  I would need to watch back the replay as I don't know if the first two were rune kills, out plays or ganks or anything like that... but 3 kills before 6 minutes sounds a lot like why the drow didn't have much of an impact. 450 gold lost isn't overly bad (750 if you include the tps he bought making it roughly a 1400 advantage) ... but the culmulitive minute of no last hits or exp afterwords must have set the drow back incredibly. and considering he was stuck with just wraithband treads by 7:30 while SF has treads, aquila, bottle, staff of wizardry and a void stone... those 3 deaths seem to have had a massive impact in this game... Also, no counter ganks on SF (or no successful ones at least). I would say that this is as much the teams failing as the mid players alone. But what do I know...


                                                                    none of the games start with

                                                                    03:31 Shadow Fiend Shadow Fiend's Shadowraze Shadowraze killed Drow Ranger Drow Ranger. lost 120, gave 236, Dead for 19.
                                                                    idk what you smoked

                                                                    Edit: you mean w33's game? yeah thats my point he died and shit went south (he shouldve not)
                                                                    edit 2: look at what he does --> replay starts with w33 trying to deny then he steps forward (NO REASON WHATSOEVER) and gets in sf's range! --> ofc era razes he eats it then he backs (late because he waits the whole raze animation) but since sf still has vision (creeps) he gets attacked once. The moment the projectile is in the air he decides to go back in, regroup and mby harras back expecting sf to back but no smart sf would back.
                                                                    Drow can't afford to get close, its all about range so sf continues until he can be sure she can't attack back, luckily w33 tries to deal some dmg and gets hit once when he goes back in (bad positioning) and once when he backs! and eats the raze level 3 GG.

                                                                    What he should've done as drow at that moment:
                                                                    -First not stay in range of sf's raze (notice sf is far away so he won't ever get harrased unless she gets close)
                                                                    -Second, not ever go back in unless he turns first (drow is fast)
                                                                    -Ok he failed and wen't back in, NEVER ARROW HIM. That shit frost arrow is a slow fucking animation and even worse when you try to turn later. Besides arrow level 1 does nothing. You can't catch (or escape like in this case) anyone with it unless you have a boots advantage.
                                                                    -In the second kill he dies cause he runs instead of gusting. At most he should hit once + 1 raze
                                                                    -In the third kill he notices venge (still out of range of stun) but he decides to turn and run from sf instead of gusting him then run. Sf would've hit at most 1 raze and sf+vs would've remained behind tier 1 and venge would've died from veno trying to get drow.

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                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                      "i wouldve beaten era's sf with drow."

                                                                      Ohhh of course you would champ !

                                                                      Your delusions are so cute <3


                                                                        i am up to 1v1 against anyones sf for 8-10 min mid.

                                                                        Get your sf representative idc who it is, sam, matrice, blunt or vroksnak or whoever.

                                                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                          SF > Trax on lane



                                                                            wouw so there is a guy who thinks he knows better cuz he is doing fine vs 3k sf as a drow, how original


                                                                              like how fuckin retarded must u be to think u can do shit vs sf as drow ?? u dont get any runes, u cant push shit, after two cs he outdmg u, jesus fuckin christ.


                                                                                i mean u shoud actually play vs w33 just so maybe you realise how lowskilled/brained you are.
                                                                                but why would he give you the honnor to teach you that lesson rite.


                                                                                  "i am up to 1v1 against anyones sf for 8-10 min mid."

                                                                                  Dude, how delusional are you? :D Yeah, you could probably play really carefull and not die, but that's most surely the only thing you could do. From the game you lost with drow:

                                                                                  Min 5, practically 1 vs 1 no ganks and no wards hg and your team even got fb, and result? SF 21/13, you: 7/6, SF networth: 3015, yours: 1210. He has almost tripple your networth, what does that tell you? That you're not even close to a descent mid player and thats with your best hero. It also clearly shows that (your) drow cant compete with a good SF. End of story.


                                                                                    I COULDN'T GO DOWN YOU FUCKING MONGO! omfg why do people reply if they got no fucking idea how this fucking game is played

                                                                                    MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                                                                      could someone just do a 1v1


                                                                                        "could someone just do a 1v1"


                                                                                        Pls Matrice or Vrok, beat this kid and show once and for all he's delusional. I know it's pointless, since he got raped by a first legit mid player, but just for the peace's sake on this forum.

                                                                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                          Why would anyone waste time to prove and already known fact? SF > Drow assuming both players are equally skilled. SF > Drow even if Drow player is slightly more skilled. Drow > SF if there is 1k mmr advantage on Trax compared to SF and SF being sub-5k.


                                                                                            Guys, I'm out of popcorn, could some1 share it to me plz?


                                                                                              I'm not a good sf player, so it would be pretty bad to check with me.

                                                                                              The most notable 1v1 that show sf winning is about skill lvl, is how sf is trashed, and then peed by viper at low lvl, and how it turns the other way arround at high lvl sf's play.
                                                                                              I'm not even sure to be at that kind of lvl with sf; and drow is way stronger than viper versus sf.

                                                                                              At 4k, for sure drow > sf, at 6k+, i think sf > all but brood and gyro.

                                                                                              (btw if you are tired of those sf mid, pick gyro, max missile, and enjoy the auto kill at lvl 6 -or the zone to t3 tower ^^-)

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                                                                                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                                @ matrice

                                                                                                Please add TA and Viper to your list.