General Discussion

General DiscussionSo long.

So long. in General Discussion
Optimus Drip

    Match 1265615027

    Optimus Drip

      just..... so long


        The woes of normal skill, the word "push" is forbidden or you get reported.

        Optimus Drip

          We couldnt push agsnt techies cuz we were all melee.


            Necrobooks+Illusions to minesweep, then BKB vs. remotes, drop sentry to see them, and then just don't stand on them when BKB expires.

            Pipe would be useful a bit.

            You had a Omniknight too... but of course in normal skill he builds carry. If he had aghs/refresh you would have been able to dive so hard.

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            Optimus Drip

              The omni was originally support. He had a refresher on the courier. The game was 2 and a half hours long so he just farmed into a carry.