General Discussion

General DiscussionBest heroes to compensate for if your team isn't doing too well

Best heroes to compensate for if your team isn't doing too well in General Discussion

    Recently I had a game where my team got stomped and I was doing decently, they ended up dying quite a lot but I don't blame them since the enemies early to mid game line up was stronger then ours, and their whole team was getting strong. Basically I would like to know heroes to compensate if your team isn't doing well. Templar Assassin can do that decently but only if the enemy gets too far ahead which they did in this game. I tried troll and that worked decently. I would like some suggestions, this is 2.7k mmr.



      If you practice him and are any good, 2.7ks can't even try to stop you at any time.

      When you get to 4k+ they have about 13 minutes to gank you off the face of the earth before they already lost.

      Dire Wolf

        How fast are they getting stompped? Like min 1 or min 20? Cus dusa is a beast late game but she will suck the first 15-20 mins and you will have to afk farm. Troll is strong all game, jugger can be too. Or go some mid hero and win your lane so hard your team can't lose like storm spirit, sniper, viper.

        Greygrey the Sailor

          Mapo, mapo mapo.