General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the best hero for carrying less skilled players.

What is the best hero for carrying less skilled players. in General Discussion

    So I have been stacking a lot with some friends who are, umm... not that great at this game. Any one have a strategy/hero that's good for carrying players who are sub 1.5k mmr.

    You would think that anything would work since the people who I am getting matched against will be just as bad as my team, but there always seems to be a 3-4k player on the other team who is wrecking my lower skill team (sometimes they wreck me too). I feel like I need to be doing something different to reliably take advantage of the other team's lack of skill.


      templar assasin

      Pom Pom 🍕






            oke TA.



              Krazy Kat

                Any hero that can flash farm and get huge exp and gold.
                And any hero that hard carries late game, because most low MMR games usually go 45 min or more.

                Fuyumi Ai Best Waifu

                  here :

                  1. Tusk
                  2. critshaker
                  3. legion
                  4. troll
                  5. axe


                    Templar Assassin, Storm Spirit, Slark.




                        well now I am starting to wish my TA didn't suck, still I guess the ultra trench is as good a place as any to learn.


                          @The Number 12
                          They're just joking. TA is shit tier hero with ~45% win rate, if you want to carry your teammates, pick something decent.

                          Jesse Lee Peterson

                            Just get storm go only remnant and passive, outlane enemy mid. bottle then soul ring. kill mid after lvl 6 continuisly or if u can before 6 and always have a tp with u to punish enemy ganks on ur mates. then just keep on snowballing and not dying.


                              TA if you are good with TA.

                              I suck with TA. Its pathetic honestly.


                                tusk, snowball ez iwn.

                                Greygrey the Sailor

                                  If you can play him, honestly just tell your friends to get stuns and play meepo.

                                  With a tidehunter sandking and ogre magi, meepo pretty much wins everygame.

                                  If you cant play the digger then try naga siren or even terrorblade, anyone that can have more than 1 unit can make up for those heroes that are getting destroyed


                                    TA and Storm are the best for me, but it depends on the player
                                    I have a friend that has huge success with Troll, Lycan and LC