General Discussion

General Discussion[Suggestion] Damage tanking statics

[Suggestion] Damage tanking statics in General Discussion

    Not sure if this's relevant or if this kind of thing is welcomed here, but I would like to suggest something. At the moment, dotabuff statics covers lots of aspects about each match including hero healing, hero damage, tower damage, and gold/exp/farm. I have been feeling for a while that one of the most important missing stats is tanking. When I open a match stats on dotabuff, I will be mostly trying to check how much impact did I or my teamamtes do on the match. I think that damage tanking is really important to know that, as someone might play some tough strength hero and spend most of the game dead (not dealing damage nor farming), but he will possibly have a very big impact on the game by tanking the whole enemy damage. I would really love to see that.


      Don't think it's really that relevant but it surely is better than hh which is currently broken


        I don't think this data is available in the valve api (maybe i'm looking in the wrong place though). Example

        "result": {
        "players": [
        "ability_upgrades": [...]

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          Well, I don't really know but I assumed that, if it's possible to calculate how much damage each hero dealt to the other heroes, then is should be also possible to split how each on of them received that damage.

          Fuyumi Ai Best Waifu

            its kinda bad, since there are people who will just feed to get the highest damage tanked. :/