General Discussion

General DiscussionBalancing troll out..?

Balancing troll out..? in General Discussion

    I hope this doesn't happen, but the best thing to do is to undo the bug fix.

    I'd hate to see him changed in another way.


      He has ultimate on 30sec CD that is global 3.5 hyperdtone for every single hero in the game for 7 seconds and this only costs 75 mana.

      This ultimate should be reworked a bit to make troll more reliant on cool down because holy shit can this guy reengage if the team fight is prolonged...

      I'd say he needs this ultimate to be on a 80/70/60second cool down and cost 150mana at all levels.

      Then you can buff it to last 10 full seconds instead of 7, so that the abilit y becomes more of a big team fight/push ultimate instead of 'every half minute something bad happens to enemy team'.


        The nerf you suggested gonna ruin this hero, I think. Way too bad.


          Yes, it would ruin him too much, doing what I've said is fine.

          And Matrice said that he should get more mana and have bigger mana costs, this is also a very good nerf which will not ruin him.

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            I say hes fine and you need to learn how to counter him instead of crying op.


              Lol at people who can't do maths.

              How is 30sec CD -> 60sec CD and mana cost from 75 to 150 while buffing duration from 7 to 10 seconds a big Nerf that would ruin him? This is a rework so that his ult has a bit longer downtime. The actual mana cost stays the same if you think about it but the ult is 10sec out of 60 sec instead of 7sec out of 30 sec.


                I am not crying, I know how to counter him, I play him often also, I am just discussing.


                  he just needs to lose bash


                    ^ wow.

                    Dravic, troll warlord has the smallest int pool in the game( its like 370 at level 16).
                    AND that he is required to spam his skills very often.

                    conserving half of his mana-pool "for the right time" is going to cost warlord a lot of farm and kills.

                    Being a hero that is utterly dependent on attack speed and damage, without your ultimate you are pretty much forced to consider both aspects of the hero with equal importance, whereas with the current ultimate, the problem of attack speed is somewhat remedied, enabling troll to concentrate more on the damage part of the eqn.


                      exactly what i wanted to respond.


                        patch 6.44 - Removed Berserker Rage mana cost


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                          Dire Wolf

                            Could just make his ultimate not global cast range, more like omni's ult. This would at least not allow him to be split pushing and still hugely impact a 4v5 on other side of map.


                              ^ then remove silencers ults globalness then? While were at it, remove all global.

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                              Dire Wolf

                                I'm just saying as a reasonable nerf it's something they could do without breaking him. A lot of stuff people are proposing would break him completely.


                                  its simple! just give him like 400 starting hp and max at like 1200 (level 25)

                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                    hey bois
                                    i have something to tell you
                                    valve no giff a fuck

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      "its simple! just give him like 400 starting hp and max at like 1200 (level 25)"

                                      No cus then he's too susceptible to magic dmg which is already his counter. Once you get late and that bkb is down to 5 seconds he will die so fast.



                                        Better make it 300

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                                            ^good suggestion

                                            MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                              lower starting hp/base armor should be fine
                                              he needs to be able to play aggressively in lane if not he sucks ass

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                                                Pom Pom 🍕

                                                  Troll is not really that squishy for an agi hero. He gets +100 health and +3 armour from melee form, which is like 5-ish extra base strength (22 total). There's only 5 other agi heroes with 22+ base strength. His strength growth of 2.2 is not bad either.

                                                  I just hope if they make him squishier they will nerf his base stats rather than removing stuff from berserker rage like they did with Lycan's ulti (Lycan's ult gives a lot less now, and only scales by cooldown).

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                                                    Number of icefrogs in this thread is amusing.

                                                    meta monkeys pick meta shit

                                                      trololo actually needs buffs.. he was the same for long time only meta changed >:D

                                                      people just need to puck more naga, lancer, zeus.and stop manfightning troll like idiots all ze time (:facepalm)


                                                        "lower starting hp/base armor should be fine
                                                        he needs to be able to play aggressively in lane if not he sucks ass"

                                                        what. Troll has 2 starting armor :/ AND 473 health ://.

                                                        best option : reduce speed, moderately reduce attack speed from ultimate while giving +2/3/4 (pick a number scrubbus) to attack speed from passive, thus making his damage from hits more reliable while nerfing his overall splitpush power.


                                                          I'm happy many of you ain't balancing this game lmfao


                                                            I like where troll is, I would rather other, weaker heroes got buffs than troll got nerfs...


                                                              u wot m8?

                                                              edit: this dotobuff magicks is beyond me.

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                                                              MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                                                ya so give him even less

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  My win rate on troll is decent enough but honestly I rarely see him dominate against me. I really do not see him as being op or having issues. Just leave him be or do one simple change and make his ult have a range of effect that isn't global.


                                                                    Troll is the kind of hero that when you lose the team fight against him, he can wreck your base in a few second. People dont like that. Same thing applies to lycan and tiny. These heros are hard to kill once fat and pushes like crazy. But since troll is fotm atm that they whine about him.

                                                                    The simple truth, people hate baseracers more than the fact troll is a manfighter.

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      Yeah because you can be winning a match 40-10 and one wipe and you lose vs troll, tiny, lycan. Pubbers definitely don't like that.


                                                                      Axe started something ridiculous like 11-0, I started something horrible like 0-8. But we came back and won cus troll and dusa late. So instead of them accepting that their drow sucked ass and couldn't carry they blame the op'ness of troll.