General Discussion

General DiscussionReally disappointed with my MMR

Really disappointed with my MMR in General Discussion

    Okay, so I just played my tenth calibration match for Ranked and I'm not happy with my score. At just under 150 games I never thought that I'd be brilliant but I was expecting around 2000, probably just under. What I got was 1100.

    I'm not real sure what I should be doing to improve, hopefully my stats can show people something I am not aware of because while I know some basic things like I can't last hit for shit as a carry, I mainly play support. This is really a case of me being so bad I am not aware of how bad I am so any advice is appreciated.


      smurf, low winrate on most played, low general winrate, low kda's, low impact in game = normal skill bracket = 1k mmr

      these above are the things u should improve in order to....improve?

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        What do you mean by smurf? This is my one and only account. Also how do I improve my impact in the game?

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          well if ur really new.. then just keep playing till u understand everything:)


            1. realize that 3k isn't as trash as people say here. It's actually above avarage.

            2. realize that you are a spastic noob with the reflexes of an 100 year old alzheimers patient. But unlike our granddaddy, you can improve yourself!

            3. look out for great impact heroes, if you want to support play something (relatively) easier than CM. Making your team carry with CM is pretty hard. (supports and semi-supports in pro games have usually a great impact).

            4. learn from the veterans: watch games from top people of the hero you want to learn. watch different people. try to mimic their movement, their warding, their timing. But don't just copy it. Try to understand why he buys arcanes instead treads in example.

            5. learn with bots. Hero mechanics like lasthitting, positioning or general farming can be learnt by playing with bots. It usually ends up with a stomp by your team because your bots are better than the enemy ( unless you're playing on unfair).

            6. dota is a game of time. you won't be 2k next week. it'll take you months, maybe even more. You need to gain the knowledge and the mechanics to call yourself higher mmr player, but once you reach that skill level you will start to climb.

            Remember that you're the problem. Always. You lose because you didn't play good enough. period.

            (inb4 haydar normal scrumb, y u evn play)

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              Thanks for the help.

              I was not aware of that about CM. All my 2.5k MMR friends said she was a really good pick so I played her the most. What is it about her that makes it hard for the team to carry?

              As boring as it is I'll do bot matches. What heroes should I be picking though? I have no idea what is considered high impact, also how do they measure impact in terms of your MMR?

              Also I am aware that I don't play good enough, my team members are always so happy to remind me. Thanks for offering actual help though, I appreciate it.

              NextStep ®

                I would suggest Lich for support role.
                One of the easiest heroes for new player to learn the game.


                  CM has issues. She has no real stun, has very low hp, its extremely slow and scales badly. When you pick cm, its mostly because enemy team has blinkers, you have a combo with your carry (jugg probably) and your team benefits from passive. All in all- cm is a risky pick. It might backfire.

                  The biggest weekness though is that low hp and slow movement speed - she requires greater positioning, because you have a smaller margin for error. Her damage is ludicrous.


                    Honestly at this point just work on your last hitting and lane mechanics. Try to be efficient and move around the map with a purpose in mind...don't just walk around mindlessly. Also, remember to glance over at the minimap regularly.

                    Just keep playing and don't get discouraged if things don't go your's bound to happen.

                    King of Low Prio

                      Look up some mechanics videos by the look of your stats you do not even know the basics of dota 2


                        practice 1 v 1 mid because becoming good at this means you have the basics down.

                        watch pros or top page pubs play and follow one specific player/hero and see what he does to make himself effective.

                        in crazy situations, pause the game and ask yourself how you would play it out and then unpause to see what happens.

                        get in habit of keeping 1 eye (figuratively)on the minimap.

                        if you find yourself not doing jackshit for more than 5 seconds, then you've got an issue.

                        click stuff, see how much mana/hp enemies have yo then determine whether you can win the fight

                        etc etc its a game dont get too srs bout mmr, the climb never ends


                          i sell 5k accounts for low prices, add me if interested.


                            Try witch doctor. He has a stun, a heal and one of the best ults.

                            Seeing your stats, you seem to have problems with positioning. so add a rule:

                            0. Don't die, it's bad.

                            You seem to win the games where you don't die as much, or compensate for your deaths with Kills/assists


                              Go for Lich, Treant, Witch Doctor. Not hard heroes to learn that have high impact any stage of the game... in 1k at least.


                                enjoy the climb :)

                                don't die and learn how to farm. there is a lot of money and exp left on the map. learn how to last hit and get it...your 1100MMR carry isn't go to.

                                don't try and hard support - how can you counterward the enemy if they haven't warded? and you can't smoke with a herd of cats.


                                  if you want i can get you to 5k for a really low price m8


                                    u should be proud, i calibrated at 800. ez mmr.

                                    PINGU NIDEPIGU

                                      dont be upset
                                      this game takes a long ass time to get good in (unless you're wonderboi)
                                      just learn as you go and enjoy it instead of sulking at mmr


                                        Thanks for all the help guys. I have tried Lich and Witch Doctor before but that was right at the beginning, so I will definitely give them another go; also treant. Just another quick question about CM though, Santa Clock said that she has no real stun. How does frostbite compare to a more traditional stun?

                                        Not dying sounds like excellent advice hahah, I think I overestimate my abilities in fights so that's something I have to work on.

                                        I have watched a lot of videos on Dota and have read purge's guide a couple of times so I do know the basics of Dota. It is embarrassing I do so badly.

                                        Also I will -not- buy a 5k MMR account.


                                          A stun causes the target to be unable to do anything.
                                          Frostbite is a root (unable to move) with an added disarm (unable to right-click) and a mini-stun at the start. Also see

                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                            CM, as a hero, is just really situational. While her Abilities are great. Her mechanics are horrible. She is very slow, she has an abysmal attack animation and damage. It doesn't go well with her skills which all need good positioning. While as a WD you just run close, use your ult and win. By either zoning them out or killing them.

                                            And doing the dotas is pretty hard. Everybody started low.


                                              Ahh okay. Thanks for the tips, I just needed to understand why it was bad to choose CM.

                                              Thanks for the encouragement as well, I will take everything on board and will hopefully start climbing. Would be nice to get my win rate above 50% haha.


                                                Welp, I don't think you should be disappointed. First of all, it's just a number and we don't even know how it is calculated. I read it's KDA/Game impact and stuff like that but, eh. You could be the support(offlaner/initator)-god, always positioning perfectly, therefore turning the tide of the battles, always warding, buying dust/sentries but you may end up with low Hero Damage, Tower Damage, KDA (cuz you are a support in the end) and you get 1500MMR.

                                                I don't think MMR mirrors your skill, it just shows the result of an equation.

                                                I got calibrated at 3,3k, then I went to 3,7k, then back to 2,8k (lel). Now, I'm at 3,8k again. And man, this trench is awesome, never disappoints me when it comes to trolling :)


                                                  To make sure u will get a higher mmr, u should check ur bracket.

                                                  Easy cake

                                                  King of Low Prio


                                                    you have no idea what you are talking about lol


                                                      sure I don't. I forgot to add Kappa.


                                                        damn. you aren't suppose to play ranked if you new.

                                                        If that isn't your main steam account dump it.

                                                        If it is your main steam account, ... sucks.


                                                          "you aren't supposed to play ranked if you new"

                                                          What an absurd statement.


                                                            I don't know how calibration works, but I'm sure that KDA or hero damage has very low impact on it. I won only 6 out of 10 my calibration matches:

                                                            Naga Siren - Won Match - 3/3/12
                                                            Treant Protector - Won Match - 5/2/6
                                                            Treant Protector - Lost Match - 0/7/6
                                                            Treant Protector - Won Match - 3/5/9
                                                            Treant Protector - Won Match - 4/4/7
                                                            Treant Protector - Lost Match - 1/7/5
                                                            Ursa - Lost Match - 1/12/1
                                                            Treant Protector - Won Match - 5/3/15
                                                            Crystal Maiden - Won Match - 7/3/17
                                                            Crystal Maiden - Lost Match - 2/11/14

                                                            After all that I got 3,2k MMR.

                                                            P.S. Also, nobody allowed to insult Crystal Maiden in my presence. She is the strongest hero in the game, and if you tell somebody not to play CM, you must consider uninstall of DOTA 2.

                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                              Thank you, you have given me hope hahah. Also well done on the spreadsheet. What did you do to get better?


                                                                Sell the acc. 1100 mmr actually sells for around $20. You can lose 15 more games to get to 800, it goes for $30.


                                                                  watch your replays, question the decisions you make while you're playing, and when you watch your replay, see if your decisions you made were good

                                                                  • backing off because people were missing - did this save you a death or did it lose you 2 creep waves?
                                                                  • choosing to rosh instead of go high ground, or vice-versa
                                                                  • skill / item build. maybe maxing drow's aura at 7 instead of frost arrows lost you a kill because you only had lv 1 frost arrows, etc.
                                                                  lack of BKB, et cetera.

                                                                  although item build means jack shit in low mmrs, what matters more is having farm. if you build suboptimal items but you're 2 items ahead of the enemy team you can still win easily.


                                                                    and being 2 items ahead of the enemy who are 1k mmr is piss easy because they're probably getting 3 cs/min, so if you just practice farming in private lobbies you're sorted.


                                                                      Cheers, thanks again for the help guys. I just played two games with a couple of friends and won both of them and I think me being way more careful to avoid dying helped a lot; I only died three times as lich each game.


                                                                        Personally, I'd advise you to just play Rubick for this account, as you have no purpose of winning more matches in normal. That's what I did on my first account and I learned the different heroes and spells very quickly…

                                                                        But for games that you are trying to win, pick easy supports like Lich, Omni, etc. Crystal Maiden is actually all right if you learn to avoid dying. Your level of pubs is probably representative of the pub hero winrate in the dotabuff heroes tab so generally try and pick ones that are high.