General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Bloom - Expectations

New Bloom - Expectations in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    So guys, wut do you expect for this years new bloom?

    My expectations:
    -> Abuse
    -> Items
    -> Farmers
    -> Ranked MM sucks even more dick in this period because of tired items farmers who still play ranked
    -> Massive Bugs
    -> No Source 2




        Internet dragons



          -> Cheap auspicious version of very expensive cosmetics (moonrift potm set, rainmaker wr bow, scythe of ice, perceptions of eternal mind void...)

          most probably

          -> pay to unlock x and y. if you want z u need some sort of $ booster to unlock it.

          Ce commentaire a été édité

            That gayass chinese dragon twerking and shitting hadoukens again. Gayass chinese towers. Perhaps gayass chinese theme.

            Balance in all things.

            Tiny Airlines


              Severe nerfs to Axe, Juggernaut, Shadow Blade, and Troll Warlord
              Chinese Themed Map/Objects
              Better servers


                why SB nerf?

                Tiny Airlines

                  I've played many games where a peruvian/mexican crystal maiden uses shadow blade and channels freezing field. It is fucking cheap.

                  Giff me Wingman


                    Can't buy dust, 2 hard LOLOLOLOLOLOL

                    Tiny Airlines

                      I'm already aware of dust, wards, and gem revealing her but god damn it it's still a bullshit way to win.


                        Pretty much everything you said, w/ whiners who dont want to win the game but get item drops instead

                        Giff me Wingman

                          NO ITS NOT LOOOOL

                          Are you under 2k? Because at this point i would so fuckign believe it LOL

                          Not even 2k are braindead enough to complain about Lothars CM x'D


                            Seriously, how hard is it to buy dust and pick a hero with a ranged stun when you see crystal if it's such a big issue?

                            That being said, more auspicious cheap items. Valve will probably make some stupid immortal chest again.

                            Ce commentaire a été édité
                            Tiny Airlines

                              Ok sure I'll do that next time and get annihilated when trying to reveal her. Seriously Cornholio you need to be banned. Your attitude is getting on my nerves.


                                Zelda it goes without saying that you need to think about what you say before actually saying it. You say things that even other normal skill players think are stupid

                                Giff me Wingman

                                  ANNIHILATED WHEN TRYING TO REVEAL A FUCKING CM


                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    He is 1.2k actually.

                                    Jay Ashborne

                                      Vouch what Sam said.


                                        daym son, i know ppl being scared of invis slark, or riki martin, invis huskar, invis troll, invis jugger, maybe invis wraith king, invis sven.
                                        never seen someone being scared of invis cm tho

                                        Quick maffs

                                          ^To be fair if huskar gets a invis rune someone is going to die.

                                          THICC BABY SHUM


                                            Pom Pom 🍕

                                              Fireworks. Boom.

                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                Pomi, did you see white guy at chicken place?


                                                  i highly doubt they will release item farming even anymore

                                                  they item giving policy changed drasticly


                                                    I really hope this zelda guy is like 12 or something, if not, theres no excuse for his autism.

                                                    paid actors enjoyer

                                                      Why dont you guys get that he is trolling since his first post?


                                                        ^ Because he could be trolling us, but then again he's actually [u]losing[/u] all those ridiculous games.

                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          Shit new game mode, shit new hats, shit Void remodel, shit Spectre voicepack, shit new arcana, shit release of Shit Warden and all of this shit won't even come before March probably.


                                                            void remodel = not like fucking shit ugly trash zeus or fuckshit huesos nahui viper needs remodel.
                                                            good valva.

                                                            the realm's delight

                                                              hey thats what the community wanted right



                                                                not like viper looks like a green flying shit, and zeus is like from cs 1.6 amirite


                                                                  Last year I made 20 pounds profit, lets hope I make more this year! ;D

                                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                    u gain 20 pounds or weight or pot?

                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                    Tiny Airlines

                                                                      kwa- I'm 22 years old and have autism, piss off.

                                                                      Aside from the rest of the stuff I mentioned, probably more cosmetics.


                                                                        i feel like i need to gain 20 pounds of weed after i read some comments

                                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                        Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                          Who had the idea of making Zeus into a dwarf anyway? The Warcraft 3 model they used for him reminded me more of Thor, even having a hammer. Over to dota 2 he loses his Thorness and becomes a Super Mario missing his shrooms.


                                                                            AHAHAHA LMAO 20 pounds as GBP u 21 (get it?)

                                                                            Tiny Airlines

                                                                              ^Pomi been wondering that the same too. If Zeus from Hercules was pretty damn huge, why isn't Zeus at least as big as say Ogre Magi?


                                                                                Zeus was a dwarf in d1.


                                                                                  damn son, i am 23 and i have autism too ;(

                                                                                  BIG FAT DUCK

                                                                                    how come wave gets banned for flaming but sub 5k retards are allowed to pollute every thread

                                                                                    BIG FAT DUCK


                                                                                      BIG FAT DUCK

                                                                                        how about

                                                                                        1) fixing the lpq + hidden pool system to punish actual game ruiners instead of people who flame

                                                                                        2) releasing the remaining heroes

                                                                                        3) bug fixes

                                                                                        4) potato US E servers


                                                                                          @zelda person

                                                                                          The issue is you, not blunt. You consistently prove you are deserve your mmr with your posts.

                                                                                          shadow blade CM being an issue for you is honestly laughable. And every single person here will tell you that, and you will refuse to listen.

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