General Discussion

General DiscussionHow does bane have such a low win rate?

How does bane have such a low win rate? in General Discussion
Tiny Airlines

    I was thinking of doing a game with Bane, but looking at his win rate, it's pretty low, and he's around 98th most popular.


      His stats are awesome but his abilities suck. Not reliable and hard do execute( ult and sleep), useless( enfeeble). Brain sap is somewhat good.


        People who don't know what bane does, especially in normal skill games, will screw you over. (e.g. People hitting nightmared target with physical damage, people nuking while target has invulnerability)

        Also he is kind of easily focused and has a shitty attack range so it's hard to zone out carries/offlaners.

        He's pretty good with more coordinated teams though


          how is enfeeble useless? it is fucking hilarious spamming it on a carry at the start of the game. sniper does 9dmg at level 1 when enfeebled.


            Yeah. Nighmare is pretty much shit at our tier Zelda... everyone will wanna rightclick that guy. I'd advise going 1 in enfeeble then maxing sap (dat pure damage yo) with 1 in nighmare (for the hope of a self deny or as a poor man's ghost) . then maxing enfeeble and spamming it on their right clickers.

            He's fairly difficult to play positioning wise and, unless you really get rolling early game, needs backup to kill anything.

            tl;dr your team actually needs meta knowledge of the hero to not just fuck you/themselves over and he needs cooridination... so not great for solo pubs. He's fucking golden vs a lycan though... my go-to vs him if I have atleast 2 other people in voip with me.


              he is hard to play, and has a hard time keeping up with farm.

              other supports can use their spells to put out some damage and farm jungle or a wave kinda quickly to keep up.

              Bane is 99% reliant on team fights for every single drop of xp and gold he gets.

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                what do u mean suck

                couple months ago it was first pick support

                just meta changed he is still as good as it was