General Discussion

General DiscussionHero Synergy Statistics

Hero Synergy Statistics in General Discussion

    One statistic which is available for plus users (such as myself) but not for all matches is the hero synergy statistic. While all heroes have a statistic for hero winrate against heroes:
    they lack a statistic for hero winrate WITH a particular hero. While I wouldn't mind this being a plus-only feature, I don't think it currently exists outside of an individual's synergy with a particular hero (e.g.

    It would look something like this:

    Would it be possible for this feature to be implemented? I can explain further if I haven't made myself clear.

    Ce sujet a été édité

      Well it would be nice to have, but its not... necessary...


        I'd like a dotabuff feature that gives you which heroes you as a player are better against and worst against.

        I think I usually win vs. my most played heroes, and lose to the heroes I play the least...

        I think I have like 33% win whenever the enemy has a silencer...


            N4randza, the suggestion you gave already exists in dotabuff plus. And your winrate against silencer is almost double 33% :P