General Discussion

General Discussionwhy does no one bitch about razor?

why does no one bitch about razor? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    With just 10,775g he can wreck towers and 1v1 almost anyone without even having to attack them, just run circles and try to live and let ult do work. He's a gigantic counter to a lot of current picks, void, pa, even jug to a degree though jugs ult still 1 shots him. His ult goes through magic immunity, so does his dmg drain, plus he's got that nasty purge when you nuke him. And his ult cd is low for how long it lasts.

    But he's not played often and has a terrible win rate too. I don't really get why. Maybe he's too hard to farm with? Even if all you need is phase + aghs + refresher?

    People also seem to build treads and desolator on him way too often.


      he is not as bitchy as other heros.


        He was nerfed/people learnt to play against him/people stop bitching about a hero when it gets nerfed even if it's still OP.


          ^ not true, jugg got nerfed ppl still bitch


            I think Razor is good support, he can secure farm for his carry. He is best vs BH or Riki hardlaners.

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              "With just 10,775g" Yeah dude really low amount.

              whiskey waters

                difference is as u said he need 10k to do stuff, while jugg for exemple rapes with 3k gold.


                  dp wrecks towers and going solo into exorcism alone is just as bad as eye of the storm if not worse, because it doesn't take time for the damage to kick in, except DP doesn't need 10k. all she needs is lv 16 and euls.

                  10k gold is a lot and razors don't go aghs first, refresher second anyway, there's gonna be a mek or drum, and probably a BKB too before you get aghs, and an AC or heart before refresher.

                  Dire Wolf

                    Razor can crush towers with just aghs. I put 10k gold as what he needs to wreck other carries 1v1 with double storms. Example:

                    I lost mid hard, terrible farm, but still 1v1'd PA late with aghs/refresher. Final gold numbers don't even reflect the difference at time of fight, but if enemies don't have the burst to take you down instantly then your dmg drain does some serious work on them. Of course I've fought void's with two daedulus you just launghed my full drain off and still crit me for hundreds of dmg, but it just depends. Razor is a great anti carry and he is not nearly as farm dependent as other more normal carries.

                    I usually rush aghs going aquila, phase, aghs. Mek's ok but I'd rather have support do it cus of the mana concerns and plasma field spam. Why build a stat item like drums when you can just grab a booster part of aghs and acomplish same thing? Razor's plenty fast with his passive and phase boots. I would never build ac or heart before refresher unless I was dying way too much. I do usually build s&y cus buildup is easy, main is a really great proc on razor and more move speed and hp is awesome.


                      Razor is scary vs. towers.

                      Want to know what's even scarier?

                      Meepo + Troll.

                      You can kill a T3 tower and 1 rax in 6 seconds.

                      You can throne in 31 seconds. (assuming T3 still standing, otherwise it's about 15 seconds)

                      If you keep wave pushed and wait for a teamfight to break out, assuming your usual 3-4k trash. By the time they realize their base is dying you've already throned. If they fort/TP just boots out and assist teamfight. Troll's blind alone can delay a fight for awhile, his slow helps too. If they can't do at least a little damage in a team fight 4v5 just tell them to play super defensive.

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                      Dire Wolf

                        Well yeah but people do complain about meepo and troll being op (not usually together, nice combo). Rarely do I ever hear razor is op complaints.

                        And I'm not saying he's as op as jugger or troll or maybe even void but he is certainly super strong and annoying to play against and his win rate should be a lot higher than 46%.


                          btw those times are assuming troll isn't with meepo. just meepo solo pushing with troll ulti.

                          i didn't time if they are together, but that's mostly irrelevant. 3v5 defensive fight you'll probably lose unless you win the all-in push.

                          i find razor a very weird hero to play with. he can be extremely powerful with a good team comp and good team play, but he isn't very good on his own. generally in pubs you want heroes that are good on their own so you can solo win things. that's why meepo/slark/brood/ember/kunkka ETC. are so commonly picked to go up in rank.

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                          DJ Ole

                            Because, not that much in pro games = not OP
                            While on the other hand we have Axe and Jugg being picked almost everygame...

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                              I came here to comment exactly the same words Sam wrote lmfao

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                              Dire Wolf

                                Idk, maybe it seems like a lot of farm but most carries don't dominate team fights until they have 2-3 big items.