Carry treant mid. If they pick a mid hero buy queling blade. They won't be able to out last hit you.
game started before advice.
i did carry timbersaw. it was 30-5 so we all went middle and stood idle until they killed us. then we afk farmed for 30 minutes and then finished.
PA was trying sooo hard it was adorable.
bfury on range.
stacking orbs with a hero that already has an orb.
massing rapiers but not dying when you get your first ( so atleast make progress with the 2nd one before dying)
I think he meant to "troll" enemy team, not his own since he is in stack.
I imagine it's not called trolling though
techies + anything e.g. tiny (toss onto mines) or pudge (same idea) or magnus (blink rp skewer into remotes) is insanely fun and wouldn't be too hard if enemes are < 3k
Techies+anything offlane (techies supports)
put mines wherever, they will jump ur core and kaboom.
Techies+Mags pretty fun
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