General Discussion

General Discussion4k Doto weird Doto

4k Doto weird Doto in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    Well, i'm currently boosting a friends acc and wow, i totoally forgot how it is to play with mid 4k+. As soon as i carry them hard they suddenly act as if i'm fucking jesus (his account is currently 4677).

    Literally everything i do gets commented, it's as if i'm playing with tobi who has to comment everything i do with his hype voice. The most hilarious part is when those people have mic, they go all 'WOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH'.

    I might actually stream dat shit because i find it hilarious.

    inb4 slark, storm, ta, es, meepo picker flame.
    Bitch i'm fabulous.


      Seems like the only thing you're doing is boosting "friends 4k accs" and losing your mmr cause "friends playing on your account" though.

      You're spending your time real efficient. I'd commend you for that. Super life.

      Giff me Wingman

        My main is 6k and i stopped playing on it, so instead of doing party i decided to boost some accounts.

        U mad cuz bad? If it makes u QQ so much then maybe you should leave teh internetz.





            Giff me Wingman


              the realm's delight




                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    Dude, no ones gonna believe you are 6k until you actually add someone and show them.

                    Giff me Wingman


                      BIG FAT DUCK

                        i have faith in blunt ^^


                          1/2/0 On Jug, ending game min 25, his team still wins, he's 8 level belows his team's actual carry. That quite sums up what kind of 6k player is he.


                          Giff me Wingman

                            Tiny snowballed out of control, i saw the game was pretty much over. I decided to afk jungle and eat some food. I like how you talked about that game and not about this one for example:

                            storm 6.2k solo MMR, taunted and crushed him.

                            WAT? WUT IS GOING ON????

                            Sry for crushing your 3k dreams.


                              ^Don't you think that it was Pudge who had major impact in this game?

                              Giff me Wingman

                                not really, i basicially told pudge what to do. At some point he started to get rekt, so i babysitted him, always had TP's ready to help out when he got dived and such.

                                in the end we were the ultimate roaming duo.

                                but yeah. he did gud. Unlike most 4k's he actually listened to what i told him.

                                Ce commentaire a été édité
                                Village Whore

                                  Guys pls, Cornholio is trying to tell us that he is the way, the truth and the life. COMMEND HIM, WORSHIP HIM

                                  Giff me Wingman

                                    This guy got it. He's gonna get far.


                                      I think he's just following the age old Internet rule: "Everyone is an idiot except me."


                                        Blunt is sharp guys.


                                          Shouldn't this idiot be banned for account boosting?

                                          Jesse Lee Peterson

                                            It's just stupid to boost accounts because in the end the player which suffer from that are those player who play against or with that account. Matchmaking is supposed to be fair and not one other way to show of ur dick..

                                            Giff me Wingman

                                              my other thread is gone ;_;

                                              It's fine, as i told ya, he was 4.8k once. So it's not like he can't do it again. Just helping him out a lil bit ;3


                                                Blunt why don't you add me on your main, if you're 6k+ as you claim I'll gladly open a thread to tell everybody


                                                  so many cool stories on dotabuff

                                                  whiskey waters

                                                    ur 4k max, i can tell by the way you talk, its obvious.
                                                    and if ur rly 6k it means you exploited the game, that would be the reason you dont wanna proove ur mmr to the world, cuz ur guilty of something shady.
                                                    or u just are 4k.
                                                    +if u were 6k u wouldnt talk about how playin with 4k is weird, im 6.3 and a lot of my games are with 4ks

                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                    the realm's delight

                                                      wow nongrata teach me the dotas :hex:


                                                        Blunts an insecure delusional retard with double-personality syndrome, which has been known for ever.

                                                        He's not getting any attention in real life, thus he seeks attention by having a cocky personality.

                                                        Trust me, if any of you met Blunt irl he'd just be a cooloninternet hamburger-looking dummy that squeeks like a Fr0g speechless.

                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                          OH BOY I HAVE BEEN FIGURED OUT BY THIS GUY:

                                                          Idk about you guys but he sure looks like a genious and not like a drooling retard Kappa

                                                          every human is different, just because i'm an arrogant asshole doesn't mean i can't have 6k rating. You just wrote one of the reasons why showing my mmr to peasents like yourself makes no sense. The reason you cannot believe that i am a 6k player is simply because you don't want it to be true. Even if you would add my account and see the rating with your own eyes, you would make shit up like abuse, booster or whatever the hell you like to believe in. Go cry in a corner and do your emo stuff as usual.

                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                            dd trash yet again trying to impress everyone but appearing as just another pseudointelectual. garbage norwegian kiddo with a brain equal to a trashcan

                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                              idk who you are, but i start to like you.


                                                                Im drubk


                                                                  Posting in intellectusal tgreah kappa




                                                                      DAY BOG ZDOROVYA


                                                                        ez +1 Kappo


                                                                          your main is 6k? this is fake then the pornhub notification telling me local bitches wants to fuck.

                                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                                            the only thing that's fake here is your english

                                                                            whiskey waters

                                                                              prove it :) add me

                                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                So i took a picture of OP :


                                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                  add me blunt I take a screenshot of your 6k and post here so people will respect you, deal?


                                                                                    ^You think people would respect him if you post a pic of his profile?

                                                                                    1. He doesn't have a 6k
                                                                                    2. If he has, it's fake

                                                                                    Just look at how he writes, the way he act, etc. blalbalba

                                                                                    I spectated games of his not long ago ~ 6 months and he had 3,7k mmr. (This was also on a point where he had been boasting about a 6k account of his)

                                                                                    And he played like utter trash as expected.

                                                                                    Other game I spectated him play he played Meepo, and I told him he plays like shit it doesn't look like he's anywhere near 6k.
                                                                                    He responded with "Go watch Devilish or blablabla meepo player 6-7k mmr" and you will also feel they look like trash. That's just how Meepo players look like

                                                                                    Ya, Blunt. Damn you're cool. Just as cool as your Meepo and Crystal Maiden, and as cool as your insecurity.
                                                                                    Not to mention you having 20 smurfs you post on this forum on from time to time to support yourself. To call out people, etc.

                                                                                    blablabla its actually ridiculous.

                                                                                    You'll never achieve anything in this game, probably nothing worth talking about regarding your life either.
                                                                                    Only thing you achieve is attention on a forum as bad as Dotabuff.

                                                                                    I guess there's one reason why you don't post on Reddit. Your insecurity makes you have to post shit, and you'd not have Karma to post anyways. Thus you hang around in this ghettoplace that suits you perfectly.

                                                                                    May you not start posting from your main so I can go spectate your game yet again, and add people from your games to send me endscreen pic to reveal your mmr? Like I did earlier with ur respective 3,5k mmr.

                                                                                    ^Even at the point you was 3,5k you told me you had 4300 cause your friend has played on your account, but apparently it's not even 4,3k ROFL


                                                                                    You're actually so cool, Blunt. Let's go to your "private" ts3 so I can masturbate to your squeeky moans. Holy fuck your voice is LIFE

                                                                                    I'll stack with slahser tomorrow, you're welcome! I'm still waiting for friendinvite though.. :blush:

                                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                                      OH GOD THE WALL OF TEXT.

                                                                                      Can someone TL:DR dat shit?




                                                                                          pornhub notifications ROFL


                                                                                            You actually made me giggle Blunt rofl thanks appreciated. :happytears:

                                                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                i don't get it


                                                                                                  why do you care so much actually?

                                                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                    are you refering to them or me?

                                                                                                    the realm's delight
