General Discussion

General DiscussionAny suggestions on hero lineups for captains mode. + questions

Any suggestions on hero lineups for captains mode. + questions in General Discussion

    1. Drow - SF - Axe - Venge - Treant
    Would this be a good lineup?


      There is no such thing as a 'good' lineup, only viable ones.

      casual gamer

        How to win CM

        1. Pick all stuns and "OP" pub heroes (Necro, WK)
        2. Trick enemy team into picking antimage
        3. Profit


          red lineup
          blue lineup
          no legs
          only grills

          use your imagination kappa

          Dire Wolf

            It's fine but kind of lacking in reliable stuns. But if your axe is good you won't need them.

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              Offlane Axe can have troubles versus supports with strong zoning powers (THD, SWM, Dis). Combine such supports with a carry that can out-dps Drow and SF (Spec, Dusa, Void) and you may have a hard game.

              Overall the lineup you presented is good, but it all comes down to the draft of the enemies. Never have a preset draft, always adapt.

              N0tail is a flower

                If you're going to get Drow it's a good idea to pick 5 ranged heroes to make the most out of the aura. I remember seeing a pro team draft Drow-Venge-AA with Viper mid and Jakiro offlane. Lots of damage from Drow/Venge aura, lots of slows, lots of push, and enough stuns to take fights.

                Like gg said though, fixed drafts aren't a good idea. Better to just have a general strat and then pick heroes based on what your opponent picks (or what you think they will pick).

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                the realm's delight

                  venge puck drow jakiro wr/ta (picked in this order)


                    Lich Earthshaker Emberspirit Sven Meepo


                    Dire Wolf

                      "Combine such supports with a carry that can out-dps Drow and SF (Spec, Dusa, Void) and you may have a hard game."

                      Spec dusa and void don't out dps drow and sf on single target. They have major teamfight capabilities but drow and sf deal some serious tower dmg and single target dmg. Dmg isn't the teams problem it's the huge reliance on Axe and tree ultimate to keep enemies away from drow and sf so they can dish cus drow and sf are both squishy. It would be safe to do a 4 protect 1 and drop one of them for another front line carry with stuns like Dk or Wk.