General Discussion

General Discussionwhat's with all the support pudge lately?

what's with all the support pudge lately? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I keep getting pudge's picked who don't go mid, they want to be a support, gank and roam. It almost never works. Is there some new youtube out that eveyone's copying like when PA used to go mid every game? It's pretty fucking annoying since he provides practically zero lane control, just an easy hook from the bushes against unaware players. But pretty easy to dodge for the better players.

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      Dire Wolf

        Lol nice one haven't seen those since like 2012.

        But is this some new phenomenon cus of this vid? It's super annoying, much rather have newbs going PA mid than this bull.


          It can actually be really good if played right. You can jungle till lvl 2 with leaviathans' method, after that you can roam and, if you're good ( and occasionally use a smoke ), be able to land hooks and get your team kills. Later on he offers a great 3 second BKB piercing disable. You just need proper communication for it.


            I find support/roaming pudge excellent, his earlier hooks have great range now so you can go mid at pretty much any point and if the ennemy mid is too concentraded on last hitting its an easy hook, also good at controlling runes. Pudge doesnt need gold, just levels from ganks and he becomes a heart of tarasquess tank in the mid game. A good pudge makes it 4v5 almost all the time, pub wise.


              both pudge support and pa mid are really good :O

              Dire Wolf

                In the right hands but not in pubs at my skill level where most people mess them up.