General Discussion

General DiscussionHELP ME. Sugestions

HELP ME. Sugestions in General Discussion

    My dota buff:

    Hello. I was a 2200 games player on my first dota account after ranked i was stucked in the 2.7-3k MMR Bracket .Watched twitch a lot improved but sometimes 3k players can.t carry feeders so i started to smurf. First smurf after tryhard games got in the 3.7k Very High Skill Bracket...but all my friends wore higher but they played worst than me... so now i made a secret smurf...when DoTO asked my if i played dota2/ Lol/ Hon / RTS i picked that i was a Dota1 Player ( LIE) so matchmaking started to give me only noob games...where i can barely find some good oponents even teammates.
    Try to die less and secure kills more, not letting sups or useless heroes get lh on heroes.
    Almost all games are Normal.... 1 High Skill and thats a semisup barathum. 1 abandon from a Pc crush after 1 ally was Dc for 4 mins ( prob he recon and i got the abandon insted)...

    How can i improve FASTER to climb back in the Very High skill bracket.
    Negative/ Positive opinions.

    the first smurf ACC :


      Stop making smurfs and just play the fucking game? You're not going to get better unless you play.


        yeah rly stopmaking smurfs