General Discussion

General Discussiondo illusion stats update dynamically?

do illusion stats update dynamically? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    If I'm playing chaos knight and I have armlet off and pop ult then turn the armlet on will my illusions gain the str? Or are the stats determined when they are summoned?

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      Dune, the Desert Planet

        Meaning always turn Armlet on before picking up Illusion rune, using ulty or Manta. Illusions don't get HP degeneration. Also switch PT to primary attribute.

        Dune, the Desert Planet

          Meaning always turn Armlet on before picking up Illusion rune, using ulty or Manta. Illusions don't get HP degeneration. Also switch PT to primary attribute.

          Dire Wolf

            ah ok I messed this up pretty big time last couple games then.


              atlest you're learning basic dota 2.0

              Dire Wolf

                at least I knew to ask the freakin question lol! I consider these things and no one in game ever knows.

                Dire Wolf

                  Can we turn this into a CK thread? I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be doing with him. I've had a few games where we dominated the lane, got pretty good farm, but it never quite ends in victory. He seems to have a lot of core items. You need drums or not enough mana to do anything, you need armlet or not enough dmg to do anything, but then you just get cc'd and kited if you don't have bkb. It's really easy to pop ult and blow people up with rift but after that I seem to suffer in a team fight and once enemies get bkb and I can't rift them it's so easy for them to run away from my illusions. What's a CK to do?

                  What's the optimal build? I also usually get dominator cus it syncs so well with armlet and really helps farming. Otherwise I can't seem to sustain farm with just armlet.


                    Ck is like any other illusion character and meepo, always should be a last pick and only pick if ennemy team uses single target nuke. Because early game, theres nothing more underwhelming than a long cd ulti thats get wiped off by a single lina combo.

                    And another note yes i would like to know if you could get away without armlet as ck, i just dont like armlet on anything but lifestealer and huskar. Maybe drum>manta/sny>bkb/heart could do the trick.

                    Also why not skadi? Its getting popular on almost all carries now, plus ck def needs alot of mana to fight consistanly.

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                      CK is a carry that transitions into ganking and team fighting to snowball. He can do this because his laning ability, with supports, is quite excellent.

                      While he can do excellent in the late game, you don't want to sit around and hit creeps all game because you farm slower than many other carries.

                      Ideally, you want to get treads and some item and then push with others. Of course, this is dependent on team comp. It is very easy for CK to lose momentum and be dead-weight, much like Spirit Breaker.

                      You can get away with afk farming, it's just not ideal. You have very good early skills and stats, so might as well abuse it.

                      TL;DR: CK can snowball but needs a good match up and supports to compliment his early-mid abilities and stats to transition into almost unstoppable late game.

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                        I edited my last post as you wrote yours, how about a skadi?


                          CK only needs mana in the early game.

                          If he gets a manta, the ultimate orb gives him all the mana he could reasonably need. Skadi for mana is overkill and unnecessary.

                          Dire Wolf

                            Skadi doesn't seem awful though because the stats buff illusions but heart is probably better for a str carry cus the illusions will get 40 more dmg. With skadi they'll get dmg and IAS but hearts probably a little better.

                            I was going armlet and dominator every game cus armlet is one of the cheapest, strongest items for a str carry. It will let you farm decently fast. If you go right into like s&y or god forbid rushing a heart, you will suffer a lot farm wise so I guess you have to focus on team fighting/ganking. But then if you do go armlet dominator is kinda required. Maybe I will drop it, go drums, s&y and then rush a heart. Or could just rush an AC. Too many options!


                              str carry? never heard

                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                PT > Drums > Armlet/SnY/Manta/Halberd > HoT > AC > EoS/Abyssal/Satanic

                                Throw in Wand and/or BKB if needed.

                                You need early farm/kills with CK. Easy to snowball if you do so, hard to catch up if you don't.


                                  I did midas on him a couple of times. It gives nothing to illusions but come on. :D
                                  Getting those free 190 gold feels so nice.

                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                    I saw RTZ go BF on CK, makes sense cause farming capability of Nessaj is horrible.
                                    In dota 1 Slahser built Necro 3 on CK, anyone remember that?

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