General Discussion

General Discussionwhere to play Dota 2 in Paris??

where to play Dota 2 in Paris?? in General Discussion

    Currently in Paris for next couple of days.. where to play good Dota here??


      EU servers. What u doing in Paris playing dota? go meet chicks.


        french women are super hairy ;/


          Lol where can i meet chicks here.. whats the best pub bar place?

          King of Low Prio

            filthy europeans, no offense.


              If you look for beautiful women, forget about Paris and come to Russia. =)

              THICC BABY SHUM

                Yee, I have lots of babes there, but taking them all to USA, gl finding one there.


                  so u travel to play dota?

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    I travel for better internet and to take all chicks with me.
                    better follow me.

                    King of Low Prio

                      nobody wants to live in that third world shithole you call home soultrap


                        im 29 :D

                        I travel for work, im a solutions architect. as said before, i always want to play a game or 2 when traveling to other countries so I can compare the skill level and game play.

                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                          That was rude, Sampson. But I'm in good mood and no internet troll can spoil it.

                          BTW, my cousin lives in USA with her husband, this gives you a very little chance to meet beautiful woman in your realm of fat people.


                            realm of fat niggеrs
                            im not even sorry


                              ^Yeah, but I decided not to use this word, because I don't want to "cross the line". And you also better not to...

                              King of Low Prio

                                I dont live in the US they are almost as bad as those disgusting russians


                                  pretty sure I can call niggеrs niggеrs as long as I'm paying for db+

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    we got a internet tough guy here


                                      so which bar should I go to?? my colleagues are all tired.. i have to go solo flight on a Friday night!


                                        Sorry, I was 100% sure you from USA. Where are you from, Sampson?


                                          nothing against you sampson, just in a good mood to spew some bullshit on dotabuff forums

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            I live in Canada I am from Bermuda


                                              ^ are you a triangle


                                                That's a shame, there's not really too many obvious canadian stereotypes we can exploit, other than the country's particularly high production of shitty music.


                                                  I thought that Canadians are well known for their tolerance. Times have changed, I guess...

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    not my fault the people in the US pay for shitty music. They aint making money in Canada :P

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      I tolerate you. Its not like im bombing russia


                                                        Oh, how nice, thank you.

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          now if you guys could stay out of Ukraine that would be great


                                                            If you want to know truth about Ukraine, find independent news agency, it's not that hard to do.


                                                              i met a ukranian girl in the flight. she's pretty and sexy and she's down-to-earth #truestory

                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                I know the truth about Ukraine I also know how much propaganda goes on in russia it is as bad as the US


                                                                  I'm aware of Russian propaganda. I'm checking both Russian and Ukrainian news as well as CNN and "The Real News". I find it funny how they all are different. =)

                                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                    y u guys flame wehere i was born and now live wowowoo.
                                                                    Samson y so much hate?
                                                                    And moku making fun of n's is rlly not making fun of America.
                                                                    And all u guys acting like kids- omg this guy is retarded and say where i live is shithole, I must be retard too and say same thing about hes country.


                                                                      You are the only kid here, YNIT.

                                                                      King of Low Prio


                                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                          lel, ok

                                                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                            and no shit news are different, if u havt realized they never been same, they work like communism in all countries.


                                                                              yeah i know ppl from ukraine, and i know whats happening there.
                                                                              i dont get it why some russians feel the need to insult ukraine when they didnt even fight there and that shit is not gonna affect them in their mom's basement.
                                                                              if there is a guy from ukraine and a russian in the same team, just call gg, they gonna argue all game and say "KRIM NASH",
                                                                              "SLAVA UKRAINE", "SALO URONILI" lol.


                                                                                ok so i had fun last night in the bar with 2 french ladies.. i didn't go for the homerun #iknowright. i went for the road less travelled and went for a meet-up this afternoon, alas she didn't show up. stupid me i told her no need to exchange numbers.. just show up in the meeting place. ayayayyaya.. but it was a fun bar somewhere in rou de la ruque


                                                                                  ^you just got played son


                                                                                    ok so i had fun last night in the bar with 2 french ladies.. i didn't go for the homerun #iknowright. i went for the road less travelled and went for a meet-up this afternoon, alas she didn't show up. stupid me i told her no need to exchange numbers.. just show up in the meeting place. ayayayyaya.. but it was a fun bar somewhere in rou de la ruque no copy pasterino


                                                                                      sampson is a filthy black shit Kappa