General Discussion

General DiscussionAnything I need to know about the 2.5-2.8k mmr bracket?

Anything I need to know about the 2.5-2.8k mmr bracket? in General Discussion

    So recently I have been winning a lot of ranked by going mid and picking snowballers, I've used mostly Templar Assassin and sometimes Slark to get up in mmr and I'm getting quite close to 2.5k (currently 2.3k about to hit 2.4) and I think with some more effort I can climb to maybe 2.7k I was calibrated at 2k MMR I haven't climbed a huge amount of mmr so far but I'm making progress. I also want to take the time to thank the people who helped by replying to my threads, giving me tips and stuff when I first came here I was pretty overconfident about how good I was but thankfully Benao and Tokyo Lift and a few others told me I suck, didn't believe it but they pointed out exactly why and I watched a couple of my replays and realised. I would like to thank Kael, Shred you to bits, YNIT and a bunch of others that gave very helpful answers. That helped me get better. Now if anyone has been in the 2.5-2.8k maybe even 3k bracket is there any change in play style there? Or is it pretty much the same?

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      I would assume it's the same. Just keep improving your game skill, mechanics, and knowledge and you'll keep climbing.


        Same old, the only thing that changes as you get higher and higher mmr, is that you need to get more and more farm as carry and as supports to make lots of space. Every 5 min check enemy's items and ping on them to make sure ur team knows. Recently I havnt been able to play Tiny, as ppl insta pick mid and carry((


          Nothing new really ,people starting to be a little harder after 2.8k..


            Rat the fuck out of them. People in this bracket (and also in 3k) have no clue how to counter that.

            THICC BABY SHUM

              ^ harder as ass holes or playing good? Because I didnt see any difference between 2500 and 3k, at 3200 mmr choked for a little then now im at 3500.

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                  oops accidently deleted

                  YNIT going to be at ti6. every 1/2 year he gets 1k mmr. going to be 6500 mmr by ti6. pls remember me when you are famous YUNIT

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    ppl at 3k already carry tps, idk if that true, rat shit used to work rlly good, now its harder with this patch. But I did win a lot of games ratting with tiny.

                    THICC BABY SHUM

                      I will sure remember you, will give u lessons too.


                        Harder as ass holes, they are not good at all, ofc.

                        games are a bit harder and players a bit better after you hit 3.3k in 3k tier.

                        Hardest part of 3k is 3.3k-3.5k in my opinion.

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                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          I been spamming tiny axe and earth shaker. Dont like to spam op heroes. game gets boring.


                            -max dark pact first. Doesn't need to be a 4-1-1-1 build, sometimes I'll get 2 points in pounce before maxing out Q, or 2 points in passive against a melee laner (where its actually contested, as opposed to when they are just zoned the fuck out and you can free farm anyway)
                            -build dagger or shadow blade. I used to be the worst slark player in the world, absolutely no clue how to play the hero. And while he is strong enough at the moment to still do well without these items, these items make you a complete monster.
                            -keep in mind that you can farm with Q pretty quickly, toggle your treads to save mana

                            -keep in mind that I've only played the hero once, this is mostly from what I understand about the hero though
                            -you should be denying a LOT unless you've pushed the mid out of the lane already (or getting crushed by a counter, but whatever). Why? You want to delay their bottle for as long as possible, because that is almost the only way that a lot of heroes can cs mid against TA, because you deny 2-3 cs (in the early waves) just because of refraction. This also means getting a faster 6 than your opponent which can lead to an easy kill.
                            -farm faster with him. You can watch waga or something for this, but its not really that hard. When split pushing or flash farming, the creep wave walks in a line, and when the creep waves meet you can usually still hit all of them with psi blades, use this to your advantage. Same thing in the jungle, lineup the creeps, you can do ancients very early too.
                            -watch zenoth + waga for this
                            -if you are wondering why I had 6 denies in my game, its because pugna was I kicked pugna out of the lane after 2 minutes. Game would have been over a lot earlier if I wasn't 1v5 against a doom and void..