General Discussion

General Discussioni feel like total newb

i feel like total newb in General Discussion

    I know dota has been around for a rly long time and i am only just started playing it...about 2-3 months in
    so i feel like a total newb compare to everyone with 1k+ games and good dota knowledge. Even in my low skill bracket people know more than me about dota and heros. Will i ever be able to get good at it and get into high skill bracket or does that stuff takes years to achieve ?

    I wonder if there any more newbie players out there or every one is a dota veteran


      I almost have 2000 games but you have better kda and winrate can you teach me how to doto :(


        You will catch up soon enough people play on and off but their will be people who always have more games.


          Im a newb we're on the saym train


            just watch pros replays on youtube and try to do what they do xD

            THICC BABY SHUM

              add this chick, she played 5k games and is 3k mmr, you will be higher then her soon.


                didnt know she had 5k games O.o


                  Yeah, and she is absolutely terrible, watching her makes you want to hurt yourself


                    dude you're doing pretty good judging from your stats.


                      woao dude dont go manta+sange and yasha on slark.
                      just go s&y into skadi.

                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        but illusion still stats too!!!!

                         VΞИGΞAИCΞ  

                          ply more . more more .
                          24/7 .
                          flame ur teamates before they start to flame u