General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to stop this line up ?

How to stop this line up ? in General Discussion

    Guys I need some help about countering these two lineups

    1st Visage - Venge - Drow (offansive trilane) - Lycan(mid) - Pudge (solo safelane)

    Strategy is; pushing hard with the offensive trilane, lycan getting quick levels and pudge hooks enemy heroes when they trying to defend towers.

    2nd Lone druid -Wraith king- Luna- Venge- Venomancer

    Strategy is; stay 5 man and push hard.

    So what strategy can counter these 2 lineups ? I know split push might be very useful but I need some specific heroes etc. Thank you.

    bum farto

      Defend with simple cores or good supports then have your biggest farmer split pushing and getting cash. By about 30 minutes (if he isn't a moron) he should have levels and farm over their team who haven't been farming in favor of pushing.

      Heroes to stop pushes are - Veno, Kotl, Earthshaker, QoP etc. basically anything that can control/clear a creep wave fast so it leaves them constantly waiting for their creeps to catch up.


        wk and lone druid not best for all mid
        get jakiro, lesh, or treant, even enigma is better




            this is typical deathball pushing line-up. with aura from venge/luna/drow/lycan/etc.
            I played tons of such games before they nerf'd it after ti4. had 90 lycan games with average gpm 500+. all end in 30 min.

            you can defend easily with axe, bb, nec w & q, treant heal, engima w & e, undying tombstone, kotl wave.

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            Dire Wolf

              Troll will wreck that first team

              THICC BABY SHUM

                the answer to all of this problems is
