General Discussion

General DiscussionHow the hell is 4k bracket so unbalanced?

How the hell is 4k bracket so unbalanced? in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    So i was doing a 4k scrub a favor and boosted his account a bit. And i am not gonna lie, this guy was talking about his losstreak which he had and he always told me that games are unwinnable, i start to feel him.


    In the end i won the match with ease but if i were a 4k player i would consider that match 'impossible'.

    inb4 Meepo, Storm, TA, ES, Slark or Jugg picker flame.
    HaterZ Gonna HaTe, luv u 2.


      And you're like...


      Ce commentaire a été édité

        well there's a reason he's 4k and ur 6k blunt ^^

        Ce commentaire a été édité

          If you pick Meepo, then you are the only one responsible for defeat.


            Nice team u got there bro :) It happens here and there when 4 retards, who dont deserve their rating, get into same team.


              Now make me a sandwich!


                Match ID: 1179212466, bring popcorn boys Kappa :)

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                THICC BABY SHUM
                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                    I like the moment at 2:00 (Meepo fails to poof-away and dies to QoP). =)


                      weren't you a 4k scrub until some months ago?


                        because players have different skill levels with different heroes.

                        You would still be 4k without meepo spam.


                          i hate u meepo picker

                          Giff me Wingman

                            i was a 5k scrub for a long ass time. Other than that not really.

                            @Fatal Contradiction:
                            Can't find you on my friendlist, who are u?

                            People in these forums still think i'm 3k.

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                            BIG FAT DUCK

                              random dotabuff poster

                              BIG FAT DUCK

                                blunt do u remember that thread where u got into a protracted fight with dd-sama, that shit was hilarious

                                need more dotabuff drama to keep me entertained


                                Ce commentaire a été édité
                                Giff me Wingman

                                  It's not a fight. In order to have a fight you need 2 guys going at each other where both are even.

                                  It's less a fight and more me mocking DD ( Blunt >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DD) and pointing out how stupid he is, but all that aside, many people do actually agree with you, for some reason people just love it when i point out the stupidity of known idiots.


                                    So where's my sandwich?

                                    Giff me Wingman



                                        Giff me Wingman



                                            Yeah if you're a 6k player you should win about 70% of those "unbalanced" matches. Gotta make something happen fast before them 4k's start to feed.


                                              You were 5k for a long ass time?

                                              Thought you were 6k on your "main" as you refered to it.

                                              Sadly you sit here, probably not giving much shit about DotA and yet you post here regarding your insecurity.
                                              Who the fuck cares if you had trouble winning a 4k game with Meepo, refered to as the most broken PuBHerO if you are good with it.

                                              Even if you boosted someone "cause you were so kind, and they so shit and kept losing", who the fuck cares, and why do you write it here?

                                              Vroksnaks some trash that plays CM to stay in 6k right? What a fucking awful guy you are.

                                              Man, let's go ____ with blank pages and pub together. Show me your beast CM that played like 3k couple of many months ago, when you said you were a 6k player.

                                              Let's go pub, add me mate. Can do some 1v1 mid practise too, bet I could get great use of that versing a 6k player.

                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                OH BOY HERE WE GO BOYS


                                                  got 2k pending friendrequests mate, cant add people no more.

                                                  May you add me so we can have fun? :cheeky:

                                                  waku waku

                                                    Play No!
                                                    Play Ow.
                                                    Play Thought I had it.
                                                    Play Back underground.
                                                    Play I miss the cave...
                                                    Play How did you do that?
                                                    Play Hey that hurt.
                                                    Play Hey. That hurt.
                                                    Play That wasn't fair.
                                                    Play Dirt nap.
                                                    Play Right in the jewels.
                                                    Play My money!
                                                    Play You suck.
                                                    Play You punched out all of my blood!


                                                      4k is the worst shit ever. You never know what in the world teammates would you get. Sometimes you get great comunicative people, and sometimes you will get 4 scrubs, pudge mid, spiritbreaker + lifestealer level one ganks (than sticking together for the next 20 minutes of the game (the end of the game) ) and shits like this.

                                                      LL Poroksi

                                                        Blunt talking about 4ks

                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                          Poroski mad cuz 4k trash LOLOLOLOLOLOL