General Discussion

General DiscussionQuick Question..

Quick Question.. in General Discussion

    I am starting to get a lot a lot of games with no "Normal Skills" underneath..I am quite confused on what this means. First 25-30 games I got normal skill, Recently this past three months i have been getting a lot of no "Normal Skills" underneath my last matches.. Hope someone has the answer. I am near level 13 wondering if Normal skill or non normal skill has an impact..You guys tell me.


      lol whats the difference what skill game it is

      if ur playing ur improving (or atleast any smart human being would)

      that means eventually ul get back to higer skill games anyway

      King of Low Prio

        normal skill = anything lower than 3200~


          So if i was to do Ranked mmr solo que during my 3-5 games hold and i get lets say 3/5 are Normal skill my chances of high mmr are gone? But if it was 3/5 of "No normal skill" i have a higher chance of getting 3.2k + mmr?


            stop rage quit abandoning games and mbe u get there


              I never RQ, just shitty connections never could get back intime ;(

              THICC BABY SHUM


                THICC BABY SHUM

                  try sturbacks, way better then mc.Donalds, thats where I play.


                    45% winrate with standin in the name.


                      it means you'll get vouched soon to play with Navi and Dendi.

                      Have fun

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                      Make love, not flame

                        You have a lot of games on both US east and EU west, quite since on other servers as well. Consider choosing one with better ping. Good luck.