General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you social network about dota?

Do you social network about dota? in General Discussion
Jay Ashborne

    More or less I'm curious on how many people spend time with networking about dota and stuff. There's a few mediocre G+ communities, but I was surprised that Dotabuff doesn't have one. Twitter is pretty solid for the most part, but mostly just cyborgmatt leashing a cult around and NA dota kids firing shots at each other.

    So poll time kids.

    Strawpoll vote, Would you be interested if Dotabuff Made a community or page for Google plus?
    Strawpoll vote, Which websites do you use for Dota 2 content and/or discussion besides Dotabuff?


      i sometimes visit reddit to see what autists post there

      other than that idgaf

      Jay Ashborne
