General Discussion

General Discussionwhen to midas?

when to midas? in General Discussion
i love u butt

    other than the usual suspects like doom/np

    when would you go midas on your heroes?
    you scrubs can comment but i truly only wanna hear the 5k mmr opinion

    feel the burn


      well i find midas retarded item but it works on carries that have freefarm i suggest making it at max 6th minute this may help u with ur farming progress


        never, just buy blink dagger.


          or just go yasha.


            or mask of madness.


              Buy Midas if you play AA. Useless for any other hero.

              THICC BABY SHUM

                ^ omg i would love to play vs u. love when int supports go midas especially cm, my tiny loves it ezy cambos.

                THICC BABY SHUM

                  Id say only prophet and void should go for it. but its still sometimes good choice if u got kill and have good lane for other heroes.


                    ^First you must find AA.

                    THICC BABY SHUM

                      I'm a good scout. and if u hiding ur carry might die before you even see me come. smoke op. not only for supports.

                      THICC BABY SHUM

               One game didnt workout
                        but seems like its working for you overall, idk if you rlly good at aa himself that you can go any item and do well, or you build it in games enemy cant punish you for buying it. if you think about it it could be urn and bracer to keep you alive and money for wards and stuff. A properly played support supposed to have boots wand and rest money for wards mbe first core at 20 min in. all farm for carry. only gold for support is from pulling and assists.

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                          ^That was very late Midas at 35-40 minutes. Not worth it.

                          I farm jungle with AA and do some stacking, no farm stealing involved.

                          P.S. I'm very bad AA player. I just can't hit anything with his ult, unless it stays on the same place for ~20 seconds. =)

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                          THICC BABY SHUM

                            ^Ok. With midas aa will need to play less agressive i guess, when i play him i just at lvl 2 with extra dmg go very aggressive, and at 6 help out mid and other lane.

                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              man i used to be sniper with aa haha, idk if can still hit ppl who juke my ult by standing away for like 30 sec or walk in zig zag lol


                                Never...since the change to how hero kill rewards work it can be a huge negative to your team to build it beyond just delaying your core items.

                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  you are talking like they added 1k gold per kill lol

                                  POG U POG CHAMP

                                    You never buy midas on hero for the farm it always should be for the level's
                                    so level dependent heros should get midas if they have the space for it else you should not buy it

                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                      like invoker.

                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                        never see meepo midas((


                                          "if you want rich buy midas b*tch" said xboct :D

                                          but i try on AA last and it more help you buy ward,smoke,etc
                                          at minutes 46 i sold it for took a cheeze

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                                            yeah and xp too


                                              only if you are support


                                                I love to buy midas on SF when facing "scary carry" as Mortred or Faceless void which can get out of control really fast.

                                                Just to secure my farm.

                                                Getting midas if you're snowballng your mid or havin' free farm is also cool, but I guess you have to understand what's he pros and cons of getting that item.

                                                Every game has it's own advantages and disadvantages


                                                  Ynit, Boots of travel is Meepo's Midas. No jokes.


                                                    I feel like a catchup midas is much more useful than for a freefarming safelane carry.

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                                                      do not ask this kinda question on this forum.
                                                      Always buy midas.

                                                      Make love, not flame

                                                        When you can afford to be a bit weaker for next 20 minutes. Good in boring games with little of action where both teams dont do shit.
                                                        - for lvl, try to use in forest or on melee creeps
                                                        - for extra gold
                                                        - for reliable gold

                                                        Somehow I manage to end up with HoM in 10% of games and I don't play core that much. I guess I just remember the time of 5 midas teams too well.

                                                        And yes, you can build it on others than just void or NP. But as the game got faster with more ganks thanks to double rune spawn, supports playing more important role since they added items like arcanes, force staff, urn etc... it is less likely to see some pro building midas.