General Discussion

General DiscussionSo how would good players win this game? Since I'm 3k scrub.

So how would good players win this game? Since I'm 3k scrub. in General Discussion

    Game number one:

    Shadow Fiend, mid.

    I went against troll, literaly destroyed him on mid(just watch laning phase).

    Got killed twice by pure luck(bara bashes me to Death, Void backtracks me to death)

    So after that, it all goes downhill..

    I won't talk much about game itself, since I rly tried my best.

    I tried to splitpush, I tried to def, I tried not to die, however, it's hard when you got bane which does-not realise he can use his ult even if void has BKB..

    Game Number 2. SF, mid.

    I have no wors for this Axe/Terrorblade..

    Just watch replay. It's amazing, but really.

    Game Number 3, Void, mid

    I won Weaver on mid, however, I made some bad decisions, I admit.

    Still, I got Jugg rushing naked vlads, Slark rushing naked Orchrid for 30 mins, underfarmed Mirana.. :'(

    This was free -75 for me.

    I don't know how could I won this games.

    I really tried my best, it's still okay to lose some games in the process.

    I'm not cryin', I know if I'm better then my bracket by a large gap I'd probably win this, because I'd snowballed harder, but, can someone just point out some major mistakes I've made in this three games?

    Or at least, ask me why I went that item, or why I did that, I'll try to explain myself.

    Any help is apriciated, thanks!


      Just to make something clear:

      I know there's better picks then SF, but please, try to focus on SF/SF/Void, not on "better picks".

      Try to think what could you do better as this particular hero, not as some other.

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        Your item build is terrible, I can't fathom why would you go Daedalus over MKB and why do you love SB so much


          Can you explain me why would you go MKB?

          And in which game?

          I love SB because it gives me space to play solo-fighting-Shadow Fiend.

          If I go blink, I must initiate or stick with team-mates.

          That does-not work well in 3k, where most of the people fail to catch-up with you.

          Belive me.

          Try an average 3k game and you WILL understand why I go so much lotars..


            I don't know, why would I go MKB vs 2 heroes who like to go butterfly AND two blinding skills
            HMMM NO IDEA


              Troll bought his Buterfly when they alrady finished us.. It was just to fit his empty slots...

              If you're talking about Troll itself without buter, he wasnt much of a problem actually.

              I thought it's better idea to go daedalus so I can pick-up some easy kills.

              Evasion does-not really matter if we kill half of their team.

              And there's not much of a chance we'll kill Troll first anyway..

              Make love, not flame

                Linken's 5175
                MKB 5400 !!
                Was that Linken's that necessary?

                Also, consider picking up those easy kills before you can afford things like Daedalus.


                  I think it was, buddy.

                  Bara just loves to fuck me. Every time I try to runaway, he kills me with charage/ult.

                  Also it blocks Kotls spells too.

                  I think it was decent pickup and it actually helped me farm rest of the items, since bara left me after I picked Linkens.

                  There was no such kiills in this game.

                  We played from behind from the point I died twice(Bara bashed me to death, first). I tped bot to Kill Void and he backtracks/timelocks me to death even if he had like 350HP and I was on lik 750HP..

                  From that point we lost advatage I/we had because I won mid so so so hard against troll.

                  I think I had over 65-70 CS in 10 min mark, while he had maybe 15-20 CS at most.


                    1. yeah, buriza was a stupid choice...I mean even without considering butterfly (even though you should be as a possible extension), you need MKB against troll and kotl. This game is a lot more about your team than yourself, I would have taken Dagger of SB in this game too

                    in game 3, what is up with your item choices? You are against a mostly physical team, why not buy items like AC and butterfly instead? Why would you buy Midas against a team with Wisp and SB? I mean for fuck sake man, you have 3.4k EHP when MoM is active


                      No eul? Watch sumail play sf


                        Terrible, what makes you think that MKB would make me win this?

                        As for void, why not midas? Void loves as/lvls..

                        Dunno. Maybe getting MKB over Buriza is better option... We'll never know if that would win me this game. :P

                        And for the "dagger" love...

                        Play in 3k tier and you'll understand me. One more time.

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                        Make love, not flame

                          ^as he writes, Troll, Kotl. Without MKB you become miss-machine.

                          I'm still not convinced about Linken's, but maybe you are right and it was necessary in the game.

                          I've started under 3k not long ago and got over 4k without playing much carry. People are maybe a little bit more retarded in 3k, but that doesn't mean you can't ever profit from dagger on SF. Consider it in some situations atleast, shift dagger,spells.


                            "Play in 3k tier and you'll understand me. One more time."

                            you're just wrong, you're probably bad when using blink and uses your 'bracket metagame' as an excuse for going shadow blade every single game

                            also it's relevant to remind you that you can actually not go for neither

                            a 6k player can win 90% of your games going dagon

                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                              yeah :) ^


                                YOU SUCK LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL XD
                                TOP FUCKING KEK


                                  Ofc, guys... Well if I can win games in 2k using Dagon, I have no doubts that 6k would do the same.

                                  Rofl, maybe, maybe.. But I'm not bad dagger-user, trust me.

                                  It's just auto-SB for me because I suffered a lot in the past using blink-SF in this bracket..

                                  Anyway, I'll move quite fast from high skill bracket since I already feel I improved quite a bit.

                                  Just to be honest with you guys:

                                  Not so long ago my average bracket was 3.3-3.4k.

                                  It was impossible for me, even with Shadow Fiend to get 5 wins in a row and having hard games...

                                  Now, since I dropped to high-skill again, I can tell you guys, I find it easier to win there.

                                  I think that's good. :)

                                  I'm happy I made some progres, and we'll see if I'll be able to get my 3.7-3.8k quite easy or not..

                                  Thank you for sugestions, guys. That's all I need. I will coinsider my build again, and let you know how it went!



                                    Just to tell you something guys:

                                    Not so long ago, I posted almost the same topic where guys gave me some advices.

                                    This is why I implented out of that:

                                    I started to play more aggresivly, using Shadow Razes to harras opponets.

                                    I started to control lane/stacks neutrals. My farm improved a lot! Not so long ago my record with SF at 10 min was 60 CS/10min.

                                    Now it's 82 CS/10 min because I stacked!

                                    I started to ward by myself and not to flame my team-mates. It actually helped.

                                    I was convinced that bottle-crow is impossible for 3.7-3.8k.

                                    Let me tell you guys, it's possible even in 3.4k.. It's all about timing! And it actually helped me a lot.

                                    Now I always, or almost always have something to do. If I cant farm lane, I go stack. If I can't get runes, I go bottle-crow..

                                    If I get good rune, I try to gank.

                                    I also started to pick some other heroes for mid, since you guys gave me that advice.

                                    However, because I feel high-skill bracket is kinda easier for me now, I feel much more confortable playin' only SF there to grind, since with him I know what can I do and what can't, and it goes well.

                                    Thank you guys, one more time. And if you have ANY sugestions or ciriticism, feel free to write.

                                    I apriciate your time and help.

                                    Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                      See, the problem with buying Shadow Blade is that you usually don't reliably know if the enemies have detection or not. If you want to improve, I strongly suggest refraining from using anything that's using invisibility.

                                      You said your first death was due to luck. I'd say, your first death was because you were underestimating your enemies.
                                      Also your vision was very limited at that point. What would you have done if the Spirit Breaker went on to you or the KotL used Mana Leak after you killed Void? The AA even could have ultied you there. Way too risky move.

                                      Second death was because you didn't pay attention and didn't see that Void has an aegis (even though you yourself killed him, you should have known). Also your third kill was pretty questionable:

                                      If the Void was decent he would have destroyed you there. Also the AA had a Gem and he could have TPed top just as easily. You were greatly overextending, maybe because you bought a Shadow Blade and intend to use it as an escape. You can't rely on that thing. If they want to gank you there, they could have killed you easily.

                                      Third death again underestimating your enemy (the Void again). You had no disable so you shouldn't be able to solo kill him anyway, I don't know why you were still trying it.

                                      I could go over the rest, but from this point on I guess it's kinda pointless. Your first 3 deaths fed the enemies such a big advantage that it would be hard for anyone to come back from that.

                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                        im playing sf right now if you wanna watch & learn
                                        edit. first pick like a man

                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                          Will do Benao!

                                          HEY, Smaug! Thank you very much! I appriciate help and your kind words man!

                                          Still, I made some mistakes. However, if I had decent team-mats, I still think I could have won this.

                                          You are right almost about everything, and I will read your post again later, however, keep in mind this:

                                          I might died here and there, feed them and so on, but just don't forget I played on tilt since I realised I can't rely on my teammates at all.

                                          It really puts down your entusiasm for winning, if you get me..

                                          Yes, I do play risky with SB, btw.. But that's my style of playin'.

                                          I will try more of Dagger build, it's not a problem.

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                                          Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                            "However, if I had decent team-mats, I still think I could have won this."

                                            Maybe, but it would just have inflated your winrate. And the term "mistake" seems to be an understatement. Deaths on a carry are a major mistake. If you didn't die 3 times in the beginning, you would have probably won the game. Of course your allies will have a hard time if your enemies are fed. Also, it's not a plain mistake you did there, but a mistake in the way you're playing Dota. You're being unable to judge the situation properly, like most players you tend to overextend. It's your general way of playing that you need to fix in order to become better.

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                                              I'm watching Benao know. Guys, feel free to join me. 4.9k Ranked stream!


                                                Okay, Smaug! THANK YOU!I think you got it, I tend to over-extend and I tend to die poitless sometime.

                                                But trust me, the way an average 3k player overextend is not even comparable to my way of over-extending.

                                                But, YES. I will focus on myself rather then on them, because it's me who's supposed to carry them.

                                                I do belive i got potential on my SF to be honest.

                                                Ce commentaire a été édité



                                                    YOLO, Meppo picker :P


                                                      >Terrible, what makes you think that MKB would make me win this?

                                                      I didn't say it would have won you the game, but its a lot better than buriza against multiple disables

                                                      >As for void, why not midas? Void loves as/lvls..

                                                      Well, that is mostly just know that other items are going to increase your farm rate and xp gain too right? Imagine a hero with a rapier vs no rapier, one of them is farming a lot quicker and gaining gold and xp at a faster rate. Void is not THAT level dependent, Midas is only a half decent option in games where you have space and are relatively safe, but even then a mom + maelstrom is probably better. In this game I specifically mentioned the SB and Wisp who will ensure that you do not have the luxury of fucking around with midas..

                                                      >Shadow Blade

                                                      Look at my games. I built shadow blade every game. But I can still recognise that dagger is an item that can be the superior choice, especially at the moment after several buffs and shadow blade being a lot weaker than it was a few verisons ago, mainly with the CD. You have to weigh up the ability to dodge chrono and the ability to get pick offs on him, dagger is the more defensive option here, also makes it tougher for SB to gank you because with shadow blade, he could just dust you..with dagger you can get into a safer position.

                                                      Like I said earlier though, this game is a lot more about your team, you actually have a decent hero lineup to win that game, but it requires them backing you. If bane can ulti, nightmare, cast enfeeble, if ES can stun, puck hex, euls or silence before chrono..that shit wins these games. While SF is a good hero, he is also one that is very, very easy to shut down.

                                                      and yeah 3.5k is a joke, i queued SD/RD/AR games because someone else said how hard it was to win games, I won straight 12/12 normal/high games, most were complete stomps too.

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