General Discussion

General DiscussionI have a serious question about mechanics of cast range.

I have a serious question about mechanics of cast range. in General Discussion

    2 best spells to describe my questions are Nether Strike (Barathrum) and Assassinate (Sniper).
    (They provide vision of the target) (casting of other spells will be interrupted if lose vision of your target)

    Usually when you start casting a TARGET POINT spell from maximum range, the spell will be cast from higher range. (Imagine using Shadow Strike (QoP) on a running target from max range.

    SO, if you use Nether Strike from max range you will usually hit your target a lot further due to big cast time (1.2s), but if you use it on, for an example Mirana on max range, and she leaps away, your spell will be interrupted. (if she leaps towards you, you ulty will land without problems)

    Same works for blink, I once hit QoP with Spirit Breaker after she blinked away, I was like YEAH BITCH, EAT THAT, YOU SO DEAD.


    Theoretically target point spells are global, but they're not, there is some sort of a rule here, is there a max range?

    SOMETIMES YOU CAN ESCAPE SNIPER'S ULT RANGE. (He will simply stop aiming/casting)

    Giff me Wingman

      I don't know exacly how it works since i've never seen the code, but i would assume that if everything you said is true that there is no range toerance. Now i might be wrong on this, but this is only a theory.

      You can actually make a test yourself.

      Go into a bot game, pick spirit breaker and make 2 bots, 1 on the enemyteam and 1 on your own team. You can pick whatever you feel like in the enemyteam but it's important that you pick bounty in your team.

      Take all 3 heroes on the same place, give the enemy a TP, let the enemy get tracked by bounty and attemt to TP. You go ahead and right before the TP ends use baras ultimate. If bara appears on the enemy base, then there is your answer. Otherwise you can try the same thing with being closer to the fountain in order to find out the range.


        i think on snipers ult, its to select him as target there is range but how far it flies dosnt effect unless u blink after he ulted, if he started channel and blink he will still ult. just like lich ult u can cast it and if the guy tp away it will follow him entire map.


          YNIT you have no idea what I'm talking about but ok.

          I never said anything about missiles, I was only talking about casting.

          I'm off to testing this now.


            zorry, missclick



              THICC BABY SHUM

                you m7+2, y u hitting on me?


                  m7+2? ты сука?

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    net ya ЛУЧШИЙ ИГРОК


                      сри сука...

                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        deported for cyka flame


                          deported gg i'm a german and i find this nazi

                          THICC BABY SHUM

                            omg ur German and I'm Russian now I see y u hate me. I have lots of German friends.


                              Guys GTFO this post!

                              OK I tested, and if you blink outside of the range, or tp out, the cast gets interrupted. I forgot to test leap.

                              If you blink slightly outside of the range, the ulty will still land. If you walk away, no matter how far (522 movement) the ult will land!

                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                but I rlly like you, the way you play and talk to me))


                                  @ynit accept friendship request or СУКА БЛЯТЬ

                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                    Im at work, will when i come home with moniez. and some pork chops.
                                    btw dota is very ezy game all you have to do is jungle 24 7 and u can probebly have 15% wr cuz 4 v 5 wins happen


                                      with sniper, he aims first, locking him down takes like half a second, if he moves out of range in that period he sniper start running rowards the target, if he loses sight he stopts trying to lock and he stands where he's at. After locking down even if you go outta range he will hit you, unless you leap with mirana, smoke, etc.