General Discussion

General DiscussionHero rankings

Hero rankings in General Discussion

    I was around 166th on Meepo ranking but after 2 stomps ( and where I went 23/4/5 and 19/1/8, my ranking went up to 212nd. How come my ranking gets worse after I win 2 matches almost single-handedly?


      1. its a ranking...did you consider that maybe others may have had their hero rating improve more over that period?
      2. it may have been a lower skill game which drops your division and hero rating

      Village Whore

        Well i don't think 46 people will overtake you over a span of 2 games... its probably a division thing especially if you stack with friends.


          go play solo ranked .. if u are high mmr and u win u will get ez pts

          1 win at 5k+ leaded me from 91th ursa to 81th now im 64 i think


            Thats kinda disappointing, really. Playing with friends shouldnt lower my rankings.

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              playing with normal skill friends means u beat normal skill enemies this will actually lower ur points


                I hate RMM, the amount of assholes is too high. I've been playing Normal MM for 6 months now, the people there are not as nearly as bad as the ones on RMM.


                  I actually think they should fix that... if you win a game but your division gets lower, your score should just stay as it is. The way it works right now discourages playing with friends.


                    Yeah, that's how I feel also. You shouldn't get punished for being too good for that bracket, but you shouldn't be rewarded neither.


                      how do the hero rankings even work? i wanna get on for storm :D

                      Village Whore

                        unranked solo q should be fine too. but yea division makes a big difference in the overall points. was 6th BB in diamond 7, then played some stacked doto with friends as well as poor solo play by me and now 19th place diamond 3.

                        Struggle is real

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                        bum farto

                          I have raised this multiple times as it makes people who play a lot of 1-4 heroes reluctant to play them in stacks for fear it will lower or effect their ratings. I don't believe you should advance in hero score if playing in a bracket lower than yours but sometimes friends want to get together and kick around without being bumped hard, I queued with a stack that I frequently play with for fun and moved from 140th to 320th Axe in one game which is a bit absurd.

                          It's not like making the list is massively important, however its nice to have goals and work towards improving them without having one game ruin it all. This was the game that dropped me

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                            One of our goals with Hero Ranking is to not punish people for playing a few games with friends - and I think there is still a lot of room for improvement there. It's a bit in conflict with encouraging recency. If there is a player who started out playing hundreds of games in Normal and slowly worked up to a higher MMR we want to reward them and not punish their older games. At the same time we want to know their current skill, since there may be large gaps between when someone played a hero. It's a balancing act.

                            I hope that long term rating buddy can provide a lot more accuracy (especially in the top 1% of players). I have been considering the concept of offering a slight bonus in risk for Solo Ranked games over normal or party ranked games, but no changes are set in stone yet. Modifications to our ranking algorithm will be followed up by a few weeks of testing before going live anyway.

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                              I should also add: We cannot currently distinguish between solo and party ranked games. It's why we really can't offer that change without rating buddy. Assuming the rating buddy beta goes well we will (hopefully) be able to distinguish between the two for games where someone with rating buddy is present. This is of course subject to a lot of factors out of our control like steam api up time and such.


                                @lawliepop that sounds good. If you implement that as well as heavily factoring in current MMR, it would make rankings so much more meaningful. Right now, only low MMR players use the system as a reference because they can't really tell apart good players from really good players, but all the high MMR players pretty much dismiss the system because they see how inaccurate it is from their vantage point. I would rather watch a 6k with 70% winrate and 100 games on invoker than a 4.5k with 90% winrate and 1000 games on invoker any day.


                                  Is it possible to distinguish Ranked vs UnRanked Games in your evaluation of Ranking? Currently it appears to count all games.

                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                    wasnt this thread closed??


                                      the hammer has to be next to the title for it to be closed

                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                        im bad and brain dead sry, Benao will u play tiny with no intentional feed))?

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                                          @ Gerry
                                          it is possible. We probably won't require ranked only games to qualify - since most of the player base would not have 30 ranked games on most heroes. I am hesitant to weigh ranked games higher without being able to distinguish Solo vs Party ranked.


                                            well... the thing is...i would have to last pick or 4. pick... and the chances of getting mid after that is slim (due to people going random)... and since i cant tell them im going tiny, the synergy might suck and with their last pick i can still get counterpicked :D.

                                            so its like 90% sure i will rage and feed so no... im not playing tiny/sf mid again!!!!!!, only carry

                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                              just need to play artezy type sf but use tiny, flash farm 1 v 5 5 min in and win solo. there is no team in solo ranked XD

                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                tony carry is fine i do that sometimes, but not tri lane, i hate it cuz tiny needs hes ults as fast as possible