PROTECTHIMFROMWHATHEWANTS 08/01/2015-For the following week, normal All Pick will use the same alternating picking style that is used in Ranked Matchmaking what the ....THICC BABY SHUM 08/01/2015link to source?PROTECTHIMFROMWHATHEWANTS 08/01/2015 08/01/2015good, why not273 09/01/2015Cause timePROTECTHIMFROMWHATHEWANTS 09/01/2015time is money B O Y STHICC BABY SHUM 09/01/2015no money is time, u have to stand in line in store to buy staff.Zahard 09/01/2015"-For the following week" does this mean we only have this shit mode one week ?Veuillez vous connecter pour publier un commentaire.Se connecter avec Steam
-For the following week, normal All Pick will use the same alternating picking style that is used in Ranked Matchmaking
what the ....