General Discussion

General Discussionwhat's the best way to defeat scrubs who start pushing as 5 the momen...

what's the best way to defeat scrubs who start pushing as 5 the moment they all get level 6? in General Discussion
waku waku

    seriously that happens so much i just want to roll over them so badly to show how miserable they are

    Smitty Werben Jaegerman J...

      You pick two strong anti-pusher supports and let your cores farm up. If you can manage to not die on the stallers it should be easy to roll over them in midgame.


        say gg and stay afk in base


          Push the 2 remaining lanes and pressure the towers to force them to tp back or you'll take them. That should be able to delay the game for 10-20 minutes and let you catch up.


            pick kotl and have fun

            Dire Wolf

              kotl, techies. It kind of depends on what the 5 heroes are.

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                Dire Wolf

                  I was going to suggest AA, very good vs a lot of push lineups that involve healing like jugger, dazzle, necro, omni, wraith king, a lot of typical pushers that AA counters well.


                    i assume that u need advice after the picks happened and u cant change that
                    if u are a core: splitpush and carry tp for when the enemy is engaging. your 4 other retards should be able to stall u some time
                    if u are support: u are fucked

                    THICC BABY SHUM

                      aa ad techies will just feed lmay


                        The best thing to do is what snuffel1says above, if they are 5 manning early, they are sacrificing a lot of XP and some gold. If you push where they are not you can trade.

                        As always - if they have better teamfight, take objectives, if you you have better teamfight, win the fight and then take objectives.

                        Giff me Wingman

                          undying, tide, clock, pudge, drow, timber, kunkka, invoker....

                          it's not that hard m8.


                            well if u see they go push u go counter picks to hold... since they are pushing as 5 man doto they will have less farm less exp.. its free win for u


                              you split push to force your enemies back, if they don't defend then you're just trading

                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                u cant splitpush if they go as 5 man otherwise ur base will be airport in no time

                                just take advantage of their mistakes and pickup someone then they will get forced to back

                                > space created

                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  get kotl or tinker ezy game


                                    ^ No tinker.. when tinker will get 6 enemies will have ur rax


                                      also if they go wd max heal like i used to do with push strat ur doneee

                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                        marching machines clarity ezy


                                          1lvl march 16dmg/robot 35sec cd


                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                            fyyqu lots of robots creeps come every 30 sec


                                              towers ---> rax ---> roshan ---> throne

                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                no towers marching machines gg


                                                  i give up

                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                    eziest forum fight of my katka

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      "also if they go wd max heal like i used to do with push strat ur doneee"

                                                      Exactly that's why it totally depends on the team. AA on the other hand will stop a healing centered push like that in it's tracks.

                                                      What's awesome though is if you have one really good rat pusher yourself like clinkz, drow, troll, tb or lycan come to mind. Your 4 defend that 1 will take towers just as easily as their 5 and be more farmed.

                                                      3k Pog Champ

                                                        Split push other lanes as fast as they push together. Now they are losing.


                                                          Just farm & get xp. You seriously don't need more. When u outfarm/outlevel them u just go 5v5, win fight & game is basicly won. This is a trench strat. People try to defend as 5, which is the biggest mistake u can make. 5 man early very early push is the easiest thing to win against.

                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                            5 man push strat is always free win up to 5k nothing you can ever change.

                                                            Johnny Rico

                                                              Farm jungle and the other lanes, they wont be able to break the base, you will defend high ground with more farm, them you just push mid and end all.


                                                                trde kills. if they are 5 man pushing WITHOUT actually having pushing heros like DK or Nature u can just outsplitpush them.
                                                                They keeo going? great u just take a tower with 2 people while 1 is stalling push and 2 are farming
                                                                They go back ti def? great u just forced them to spend time running around without accomplishign much while your team gains exp and gold.
                                                                This only works if your heros has good towerpushign capabiltys himself like says EQ invoker or a juggernaut.

                                                                if they DO have pushing heros u want to split them up and pick them up. basically every trade of kill will make them unable to go HG and delay the game by at least the 30 sec the person is dead. so trade kills, even when it is offlaner for just a support or a 2v3 trade.
                                                                if your heros outscale them with farm delay the game, outspam the waves wherever u can and keep your farm up. take your fights wisely cause a big lost fight can caust u 2 towers / a rosh / a line of rax vs pushing heros really easily. capitalize on their weaker latergame and its ez win.


                                                                  Pick necrophos