General Discussion

General Discussion5 man Manta Style - Has anyone tried this?

5 man Manta Style - Has anyone tried this? in General Discussion

    Just wondering if this strat is any good or just a garbage idea. Seems like it would confuse the enemy team a lot, but is it worth the gold instead over core items on supports and stuff. Just an odd idea want to know any feedback on this.

    i love u butt

      would i want a dagger+scepter or manta style on my support lion...hmmmm

      initiation vs retardation ...hard choice


        manta u scrub, get with the times, dagger + scepter is so 2014


          and then they all get cleared in one aoe spell and then 3 or 4 of your allies have wasted 5k


            Manta illusions do little damage. If you're not a carry with good items and passives it won't be significant.


              It may be a good idea if enemy team looks like: Silencer, Death Prophet, Drow Ranger, Night Stalker, Skywrath Mage (your team is in permanent silence basically).

              i love u butt

                a good idea if u can manta 3 times in 10 secs.
                other than that, you are referring to bkb as the go to item


                  necro x5 try it

                  bum farto

                    Might work if....

                    1. You have picked aura heroes.
                    2. One of those heroes has radiance.
                    3. The supports have aura items.
                    4. The games has got 1hr + and the enemy have allowed your supports to farm manta.

                    Drow mid, Venge/ Luna safe, Terrorblade jungle, Offlane weaver or Riki but this leaves your team super vulnerable and very farm reliant and if played right you might as well end the game at 20 minutes with all that aura and terrorblade.


                      ive finished games in 15 min with drow without manta so... manta is a waste of gold for all 5 to get. its not a pushing item

                      bum farto

                        My point exactly, with the right heroes you can finish a game in 20 and most will end by 30 which is not nearly enough time for everyone to get manta compared to other items. For the supports to get that you have to be stomping, and if you're stomping why don't you end etc..


                          Confusion is only a minor effect of Manta - it is not worth the full price.

                          Dire Wolf

                            I think it'd be far more effective for whole team to build necro books and let 10 strong ass creeps push for you. Imagine trying to kill them all when a support can't kill the str ones or they die.


                              5 necros were popular some time and tournaments even banned this. Don't know what happened though.

                              GL HF

                                Hi, I'll give you a serious answer.

                                The confusion aspect is not very useful at all. All it really takes is 1 AOE spell and it becomes obvious who is who, especially on low HP supports who's illusions do almost literally no damage, meanwhile take very few hits to disappear. The amount of farm it takes to manta (ulti orb + yasha + recipe) could be put into much much more useful items for most heroes. It's just very not useful. 5 Necros, as mentioned, is much stronger considering that it gives useful creeps that do a lot of damage.