General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone here with knowledge of hardware?

Anyone here with knowledge of hardware? in General Discussion

    I currently have problems booting my PC.

    With my graphics card inserted (GTX 560) the PC boots up without a beep and doesnt give any image on the screen.
    I am currently running my PC without it and it's somewhat working (Im not sure for how long). Also: my keyboard still works with an old plug (the purple one) Im not sure how you call it but you'll probably know what I mean. And that plug/keyboard is not working anymore. When I plug it in it shows that it's getting some power but them shuts off immediatly.

    Here comes the weird part: when my PC didnt give any image on screen I rebooted it (still with GC) without anything connected except for the basic cables (VGA and power). Which resulted in a normal start-up of the PC. When I plugged in the keyboard and after that the mouse the screen went black again. Also: yesterday I played 2 rounds of DotA without any problems but after about 2,5 hours the PC randomly shutted down.

    I have no clue what is causing this problem(s?). But if any of you know how to fix it or have a tip, feel free to drop it here.

    I'll be back in 15 mins (going to try to run the PC with GC inserted again) brb.

    Also: TL;DR


      Wild guess powersupplay issues or not compitable to your setup
      or it can be your drivers

      Ce commentaire a été édité

        If your PC randomly shutdown after operating for a few hours, most likely ur CPU is overheating. d2 is very graphic intensive, u need good comp specs (setting ur d2 graphic settings to lowest will help too)

        As for the keyboard/mouse problem, ur plug might be damaged causing a short-circuit, or you have some corrupted drivers. I'd say more likely it's a hardware problem. Just get a new mouse/keyboard?


          Thanks for the reactions!

          My PC did burn down (SSD-card) but it has no burn damage really, I was really fast with shutting it down and putting out the fire.
          The problem with the keyboard/mouse is not the main concern. It's more the monitor not receiving any signal (now it does, but maybe within an hour it says 'no signal'.

          So the problems could be: powersupply has issues?

          I have ran this system over 3 years without any problem so I think everything should be compatible?


            do you have a difrent cable to connect your monitor with

            bum farto

              Here are some options...

              1. Most PC motherboard monitor heat and have a fail safe, if some component is reaching dangerous temps it will shut down to protect the devices.

              2. When hitting peak some devices pull a lot of power, if the power supply is low wattage it may turn off but this is unlikely as I am running my massively powerful PC on a silverstone 650 watt and never had any issues. There are websites where you can key in your information and it will tell you the min/max wattage you need.

              3. Faulty parts. Identify which parts are faulty but running fine without the others.

              4. Last and probably most importantly, don't build PC's without sound knowledge or install new stuff into prebuilt PCs. Check the following.

              - Do you have a 4pin connector on your motherboard, if yes, plug it in. This powers the PCI-E
              - Have you plugged in both the 6-8 pin connectors on your power supply.

              I can take some pictures from my work PC to show you what you're looking for. Gimme two secs.


                might need a cleanout, stick it in the bathtub


                  Thanks for the information Havoc!
                  At the moment I am running a stable system for some reason. Only thing I did was removing the graphics card and plugging it back in.

                  1. I dont believe it is the fail safe since I ran this system for more over 3 years, or it has to deal with the burn damage (I cleaned the complete PC so there is almost no dust in it)

                  2. Pretty much the same as 1

                  3. I believe a faulty part is the keyboard? I also removed the SSD card because it was burned..

                  4. I have not build anything into this PC myself, I just disassembled and reassembled.

                  The pin connectors are plugged in I believe so that shouldnt be a problem.
                  Any other solutions?
                  I will keep this topic updated (as long as it is allowed by the DotaBuff staff) to keep searching for solutions!

                  Again: thanks everyone for the help!

                  I did that with my previous computer while I was inside the tub, that didnt end too well...


                    i dont think the keyboard has anything to do with this. last time i heard of weak power supply was like 12 years ago, when i couldnt connect 2 cd-roms on some pc.

                    it sounds like self shutdown for overheating. try to clean all the dust and change the thermo paste between cpu and fan.

                    doesnt look like cables arent plugged right. if the cpu 8pin or whatever it is isnt plugged, pc will start for a sec and go off in 1 sec. fan will also spin for 1 sec and then stop. if the gpu separate alimentation isnt connected, the pc should start, but it wont recognise the gpu.

                    what power supply you got? some decent 450w should run that gpu fine.

                    edit: saw your burned ssd post. try some other hdd maybe? idk what happens when the hdd is broken. maybe strange sounds? idk. if ram was broken, it wouldnt start at all.

                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                      I could send a pic of the inside of my PC Havoc? Maybe that will detect a problem or 2?


                        @Caesar I have a HKC - USP5550 power supply


                          + I have cleaned my PC after it burned down so it's pretty much dust free.
                          By cleaning I mean disassembling the PC, cleaning it, then reassembling it again.


                            well, if its not the power supply, the hdd, or the cpu, idk what it might be. maybe motherboard got burned too? but i think it shouldnt work at all then.


                              try to run your pc, and when it shuts down check if cpu metal fan (idk how its called in english) is hot. if its really hot, there is the problem.


                                Is it possible that GC and keyboard or mouse using the same IRQ?


                                  I dont believe the motherboard has any issues since it's indeed running properly now.
                                  The hard disk drive shouldnt be the problem either since it is always running windows but sometimes showing a black screen.

                                  PS: I can feel the air coming out of the PC, it is not hot nor cold, just feels normal to me. (all the 3 coolers seem to run properly too)

                                  bum farto

                                    Open the PC and post a pic, I can probably spot if something is missing. Like Caesar said it's highly unlikely that it's the keyboard, most bios's will pause on startup alerting you to keyboard errors if that.

                                    There is a chance that the keyboard connection is faulty (e.g. the motherboard) which then short circuits which causes the PC to shut down before any damage happens. Honestly try using a USB keyboard and see if that helps because it's likely the the internal connectors are bent or worn which may be causing the issue. Try looking at the plug on the keyboard to see if their are bent pins.

                           are you using a PS/2 connector I can't even buy motherboards with those on anymore ;)



                                      There are no metal fans inside of my PC. You mean the silver block thing?


                                        Pictures of the inside of my PC are incoming!





                                          Ce commentaire a été édité
                                          bum farto

                                            Can you try.....setting up the PC without the mouse and keyboard then plug them in one at a time allowing ample time to make sure you can identify the issue.

                                            For on screen keyboard you can go to accessibility and find it there.


                                              ye, that thing between cpu and fan
                                              when that thing is really hot, pc self shuts down.

                                              i really think this is the problem, because you reassembled the pc. if you took off the fan from cpu and put it back, the thermo paste got fucked.

                                              bum farto

                                                Yep, 4 pin connector not plugged in.

                                                bum farto


                                                    Havoc, could you make an image where I should put it in? (via paint or so)

                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                    bum farto

                                                      Right where i circled, that plug goes in that hole!


                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                        The plug that is disconnected there was never connected!
                                                        I made some pre-pictures before disassembling my PC. (In that slot another plug in plugged it which is exactly the same as the plug you pointed out)

                                                        bum farto

                                                          You didn't have a GPX card before though, that card is powered off PCI-e, the PCI-e is powered off that 4pin connector to some extent....hard to explain I am not so good at translating technical stuff so here you are


                                                          bum farto

                                                            You're PC is drawing more power, cause it reaches peak fast it needs that 4-pin to draw the extra power, when it can't get it, it shuts down.


                                                              But where should I plug it in then? Because in the slot where you circled there is already a 4-pin which is identical to the other one.

                                                              bum farto

                                                                I need to have a look at a picture of your PSU, give me a minute.

                                                                bum farto

                                                                  It looks like their are two connectors, where one is plugged in and one is not... the 4 pin connector is a stand alone cable....

                                                                  Could you untuck the other one so I can get a better look?


                                                                    There is nothing behind it to plug it in, I believe it is some kind of back-up cable?

                                                                    bum farto

                                                                      Ok do this, go into devices.

                                                                      Uninstall the mouse and the keyboard, reboot the PC and it will "redetect" them. Try that and come back to me though I still think you've done something with the powercables.

                                                                      Test that out and if it works it works so no further action required.

                                                                      bum farto

                                                                        The connector that is not plugged in but is just looped, is that 6 or 4?


                                                                          Alright, give me a moment.


                                                                            I believe that's a 6.


                                                                              Btw, what is the point of rebooting the PC without the mouse and keyboard? I have no problems with those?

                                                                              bum farto

                                                                                Here comes the weird part: when my PC didnt give any image on screen I rebooted it (still with GC) without anything connected except for the basic cables (VGA and power). Which resulted in a normal start-up of the PC. When I plugged in the keyboard and after that the mouse the screen went black again. Also: yesterday I played 2 rounds of DotA without any problems but after about 2,5 hours the PC randomly shutted down.

                                                                                1. I think that something is not getting enough power or something is short circuting.
                                                                                2. Go into the BIOS and disable the VGA making the primary boot display PCI-e
                                                                                3. Uninstall the mouse and keyboard and reboot to reinstall them as it maybe a clashing windows default driver.

                                                                                I can....login from hamachi or teamviewer when i get home to have a quick look but it does sound like some clashing somewhere, either driver base or power base where power isn't being properly diverted due to a misconnection.


                                                                                  I'll add you on steam, you can check my PC via teamviewer if you like.

                                                                                  Also: I have an inventory (not sure how much it's worth) but you can have all of it if you like.

                                                                                  bum farto

                                                                                    Nah no need I don't really like taking payment from people for things.


                                                                                      It's not a payment, it's a gift from appreciation.


                                                                                        lol ive been overclocking my gaming pc since 2012 and ive been in ur situation too... get ur mobo manual and check if u connected all cables correctly.. also check ur
                                                                                        also ur power supply.. l i personaly dont trust any other brands than Coolermaster And Corsair.. ive been running a 650W Coolermaster for like 7 years without a single problem even though i oced my cpu to 4ghz with a lot of testings and voltage changes...many untrusted power supplies fail sometimes and dont last for a long time

                                                                                        well if u just setup ur pc the beep sound is situational.. ive removed my pc " beep " cable so i dont hear it anymore
                                                                                        hope u find a solution for this.

                                                                                        Thug life


                                                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                          You better tell me that's a joint and not tabacco..

                                                                                          I checked the heatsink thing and it seems to work fine? It does get hot but cools down really fast too when I stop playing Dota.

                                                                                          bum farto

                                                                                            It wouldn't be cooling at all, most cards can hit up to 85+ and be totally fine.


                                                                                              @ This is greece brah here u get high instant when u reach greek time zone

                                                                                              btw the thing is to keep cool temps DURING playing dota... this determines ur heating level..

                                                                                              ofc it will cooldown fast if u stop dota since there is no stress.. but most of problems are being caused of overheating and shut down / bsod / restart u must have good temps while playing brah

                                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                Solution very likely found.

                                                                                                Linda | DotaExchange

                                                                                                  @fyyq i like how there is a no smoke sigh, and a ashtrail

                                                                                                  What a rebel.


                                                                                                    your PSU sux
                                                                                                    HKC is crap
                                                                                                    better throw it out before it destroy your PC

                                                                                                    oh wait..