General Discussion

General DiscussionCan't get anywhere past 1190 MMR

Can't get anywhere past 1190 MMR in General Discussion

    I'm fairly certain that I'm the "friend" mentioned in Gerry's post. These are the types of games you lose 38 points on:

    Yes, the enemy team bought a grand total of six TP scrolls (three each on Sniper and Phantom Assassin), zero wards, and did not upgrade the courier in a match that lasted over 50 minutes. Somehow we still lost.

    The 2k barrier is gutwrenchingly painful:

    Those two points of MMR on Dec 31 were the difference between playing barely-tolerable Dota and not playing anything resembling Dota whatsoever for the foreseeable future.


      To give you folks an idea what I mean by "not resembling Dota whatsoever" in the above post, here's some highlights from the very next game after I wrote it.

      This is our stellar defense of the top tier 1 tower:

      Ten seconds later:

      And here's how our Chen spent 20 full minutes of the game after acquiring level 7:

      After 3600 games and 8000 hours, not to mention several thousand dollars of my hard-earned money (counting trips to TI3 and TI4), this is not the kind of Dota I want to be playing. >8(

      (Lanes were Kunkka/Void offlane, Invoker middle, and Chen and my Bane in the safe lane. Eventually I convinced Chen to try the jungle, but I was never able coax either of the offlaners to come replace him.)


        Holy sheet 3k games 8hrs spended and including trips To ti3 and ti4. Man if I was you I would have quited dota ages ago. What's your mmr?

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        Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

          I win games at 2.2k MMR completely solo 1v9 with Phoenix, you must be really bad to lose there, you should rather improve your play instead of blaming others.

          playinginursockdrawer mm soc

            While the 2k to 2.5k mmr bracket is painful, it's nothing you shouldn't be able to get out of.
            edit: Never mind, I thought 57% was 53% for some stupid reason, so the bracket isn't painful.

            Ce commentaire a été édité

              There's nothing painful about 2k or 3k mmr.

              It's just us.

              Bad players, bad habbits, bad desicion making and playing on tilt.

              Where things get hard for me is around 3.7k, where I sit most of the time , but I can't actually improve to solid 4k player.

              But comparing 2.5k and 3.7k is like comparing 4k and 7k.

              So, even as an decent Dota player, I have no trouble getting out of 2.5k MMR.

              I'm actually quite sure I'd win 90% of my games as SF/Slark in that Bracket, and I think I proved that already to some people, but hey.

              Until you realise it's not team-mates, you'll be in your bracket like forever.

              As for me, I'm aware how bad I am for an solid 4k player, but I work on that and I'm tryin to improve myself and so on.

              So what I sugest to anyone, focus on yourself. Team-mates might be bad, but you're as bad as they are if you can't get out of your bracket.

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                There are 2 general things that EVERY player has to work on to increase their MMR:

                a) Mechanical Skills (ex. Last hitting, or being very good at using a hero)
                b) Game Sense/Decision Making (ex. Knowing when to push/what to do at certain points in the game)

                Find ways at which you can improve on these if you really want to become a better player. I only started playing dota 2 around 2 years ago I think (With a 4 month hiatus somewhere in between). This was my first MOBA game. One of the things that I felt helped me in improving as a player was playing with people who are already good at the game.

                Lately, I have also started watching replays of really good players and it has helped IMMENSELY. Maybe you should do the same.

                meow maniac

                  Most people that play very high skill games are amazing farmers. They average anywhere from 4 to 6 CS per minute. They also seem to carry around a TP scroll at all times. If you want to win, farm & use TP scrolls.


                    ^6 last hits after 31 minutes is amazing indeed. But TP scroll is there, so I must be good.

                    THICC BABY SHUM

                      lanning phase anyone can get 10 cs a min when u have retarded enemy who dodnt deny/ harass. But outside of lanning phase is where the magical farm takes place.


                        The best advice i can give u is to go play UNFAIR BOTS. You will learn mechanics better then playing vs any player in your bracket. And if u can beat them, no fuckin way you cant get 2k mmr.

                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          I wish unfair bots were harder. they are actually prutty fair XD


                            At the end of the days, bots are bots. They are made perceptibly fair, yet are intentionally put in with certain weaknesses so that they are winnable. Once you observe and identify their patterns, it is not hard to predict what they will do next and work around it.

                            Human players however will give you better chance to improve, since they don't play a limited pool of heroes, and may have some good techniques you did not expect to see (eg: my RL friend trying to copy Shadow Fiend + Eul's Scepter, and succeeded). You will learn more in these matches compared to bots, trust me.

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                            Dire Wolf

                              "You will learn more in these matches compared to bots, trust me."

                              Not if you can't even time a last hit, which is what 2k players cannot do. Trust me I know some. Play the hero you wish to play a couple bot games and get every last hit.


                                You got a point there. My bad for assuming everyone is a 5k god.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Bots are good for practicing mechanics is all. Would be good for practicing stuff like combos too like zeus combos, tinker combos, invoker spells etc.

                                  Mr. Nice Guy

                                    well,i was stucked at 1k mmr too. idk why,probabily bad item decision and bad decisions. i mean,i was an ok farmer,i get about 70 lh in first 10 mins. you can ez raise your mmr with meepo. i learned how to play this hero in about 4-5 hours (playing decent) (i played starcraft 1 before,so yea,i wasnt that bad at multitasking) . you can carry your team alone,even if you have no support.
                                    you can get 6 sloted in min 30-35 rlly ez,so yea,you should try this. just use control groups to farm (you can farm all of your jungle in 30 sec) and learn how to blink poof. that s pretty much all. core items: blink,agh (ussualy try to finish agh before min 14 and farm jungle) scythe