General Discussion

General Discussionthis is why tb is 43% win rate

this is why tb is 43% win rate in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    How do you not buy boots of travel in a 40+ min game? How do you do only 21 tower dmg a min? People are fucking morons. Guy spent entire game complaining about farm cus I went jungle ursa and stole his farm yet didn't split push with illusions once.


      How do you do only 21 tower dmg a min? People are fucking morons.
      OP TD/min : 2, aka 1 hit on a tower in 45 min

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      Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

        ecsta44 is a fucking moron.

        Tiny Airlines

          Morphling has a 42/43% win rate and it's also because this guy got linken sphere 33 minutes in game. I was already farmed up and late game viper isn't that good. There was absolutely nothing our other teammates could do, except I think I could've just gone manta instead of aghs.

          Dire Wolf

            Sometimes you just chalk it up to a bad player having a bad game but that was the most frustrating part- TB's farm was fine, he just never pushed at all. We created tons of space for him and had a decent enough lead and he did nothing with it.


              You fucked up this game & u know it. I hate guys like u who pick jungler carry, when team already has 2 hard carries. Terrorblade & Slark need jungle - both are great at clearing stacks. TB's illusions got nerfed really hard, he can't dmg towers well now without main hero, also he was against clock, puck, furion, perma-smoked PA, so no shit he didn't push solo much. Of course u will blame him instead ur stupid pick. People like u ruin games.

              Tiny Airlines

                Well that's kinda stupid why they nerfed illusions if Terrorblade can't damage towers that well anymore. If they didn't have that retarded Drow buff this shit wouldn't happen.