General Discussion

General DiscussionSupport Naga

Support Naga in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    Is support Naga legit?

    She has a non-damaging entangle, a nuke that seems to fall off, and a cease-fire that helps wombo combos.

    Miku Plays

      Naga has always been a support at low tier bracker ( 2kmmr )

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        its fine sometimes and it misleads enemy picks but make sure you arent a solo support cus its most likely going to be a disaster


          Incredibly situational


            helpful vs omni


              I fail to see why you would try to support with that hero in pubs


                unless decide to play mid/carry naga in ranked and someone else lastpicks an antimage or void or some other hero that can't support

                Jay Ashborne

                  Support naga used to be top tier as fuck. I'd say situational now.


                    when we played captains mode, me and my friends used to pick nagga as support.
                    but that was a long time ago, but i guess she still is situational.


                      I like her as support. Boring dota with her on a farming role.

             (solo support naga and it worked :D)

                      Jorges Sanz

                        Not anymore, she used to be really good (still decent but needs levels) for turtling and focusing down specific heroes like naix or bkb rushers for that matter (those heroes have fallen off considerably).

                        With all the changes, dagger no mp buff, bkb nerf resulting in later bkb timings, it doesn't really make sense anymore to pick her for her ensnare or song as a general support pick especially with her horrendous cast point.

                        Im not 100% sure but i remember song doesn't disable blink dagger (the 3 second disable) after it ends.

                        Still, naga is a good defensive support that is difficult to feed on considering her illusion dispels, high amour and move speed , decent stat gain and skill set.

                        harvard graduate

                          She is really good in certain lineups and against certain heroes. Her net may have an awful cast time but if it lands it is a 5 sec entangle which you cant blink out of. It also goes through BKB so she is a very viable pick against Enigma and so on.

                          Her ult can either be used as a hard disengage (Chronosphere, Omni Ult, Stampede....) or to set up other abilities such as Black Hole (Song- walkup blackhole - end song).

                          She is also incredily tanky even to a degree where carries at TI3 would give her regen in the beginning of the game so Naga would buy a PMS on level 1 and just zone the enemy while taking 0 dmg

                          If you like cheesy stuff, you can pick Naga Omniknight, Net an enemy, repel him, and song so his team is disabled while he is stuck and can be attacked.

                          She can also get like Diffusal Manta Heart when the game goes really late and turn into another core.