General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you get out of 2.1k mmr even if you have bad teammates

How do you get out of 2.1k mmr even if you have bad teammates in General Discussion
Tokyo Lift

    so you are asian and suck at dota? that doesn't add up, are you a pinoy? that would actually make perfect sense, talks shit but plays even worse


      if you want mid just highlight pudge at the start and then change it to whatever you want before you last pick...


        PICK MEEPO!!!


          I'm not Asian ahahahahah neither black nigga..



            You seem mad white boy cuz I had 100x more success when you were 2k . :) now cry and drink your vb


              Low 2k players must be worse then sub 3k~high 2k, right?

              Let me tell you. Even 3000-3200 players are horrible.

              They farm slow, they can't have proper positioning, they can't lane, they dont know how to take advantage...

              So, you might be better then they are, but you still lack something.

              Want proof? Let's 1v1. Pick your bes hero and let?s try.


                @shred you to bits
                you sound like you have 7k solo
                atleast :horse:


                  I'm sub 4k more or less but I'm right about everything. :


                    no you're not and im tired of reading your shit


                      BUYONG A 6K MMR ACC ITS OBVIOUS


                        ur unlucky u got shit teamates at 2k mmr games so u must post it here so we know that ur unlucky but still microskillz0r, and u deserve more than this and pray for u so u get amazing mates at 2k mmr and win the games as u should

                        damn this bad luck... gets me everitiem