General Discussion

General DiscussionWTF IT WAS?!?!?!? IS DOTA BROKEN NOW?

WTF IT WAS?!?!?!? IS DOTA BROKEN NOW? in General Discussion

    Hi. I just decided to go play normals to rise my Puck WR and i GOT THIS:
    I always playing on VHS-bracket ONLY but this game was in Normal Bracket. And my mates just DIE AND DIE AND DIE
    How could it even be possible?!

    I ve been playing solo.

    Ce sujet a été édité
    road to 4kmmr

      normal games and ranked games have different mmr.


        Check my profile.


          unranked usually is very random so shit like that happens i guess

          road to 4kmmr

            your teammates must be noobs at that game. they say that dotabuff computes the average mmr of each match to be able to determine the skill bracket for that match.

            kanye went to uni

              my friend who's 5k solo/party queues high in unranked sometimes

              road to 4kmmr

                look at the last hits, you and TA are the only players with more that 100 last hits. and i cant imagine a game where someone only has 12 last hits LOL.


                  Yeah. I havent seen a same shit b4.
                  That CK was only afk-autoatacking creeps... and suiciding.

                  I have already played about ~60 normal games. All those were in VHS, but the only this one is so phenomenal.

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                    because the ta is playing with a noob friend most likely. see his other games its all on vh
                    a snowballing ta vs snowballing puck ta will win the game most of the time


                      You got match up with even worse players than mine ahahahahah

                      Edit: nvm it's Russian server just noticed

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                        @noob eater
                        "i cant imagine a game where someone only has 12 last hits"

                        Can you imagine 9 LH?

                        Or 4 LH in 50+ minutes game?

                        I can, because this is story of my DOTA... =)


                          Russian servers what to expect. And what were you doing with 4lh 50min game. 0-8 feeder


                            Follow team => put track on enemies => throw shuriken => use urn.

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                                Ofc TA > Puck.
                                The question is how could this game even exist?! That's not right.

                                @Hael 2.0,
                                Yeah. It's russian server. It will be hard to believe but u can have a tolk with russians, while playing in VHS braket :) But as i saied the game at Normal bracket was damn unexpected.


                                  There are many good players from Russia (with exception of few nazis like [ϟϟ]KАMIϟАMА!).

                                  I do my best to be on the good side.


                                    But Russian Nazi from CR is pretty ironic one.

                                    Btw. Being nazi doesnt mean playing bad.
                                    That is already out of topic.

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                                      What is CR?

                                      Being nazi => being toxic => playing bad.
                                      Direct logic, IMO.

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                                        Czech Republic

                                        I actually like the way of your thoughts

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                                          I guess, country doesn't matter. It is always irony, when someone becomes nazi...


                                            Nazi are very spreaded in some countries.
                                            Thats very common for example in Japan or Italy. And the only defeated Germany absolutely denied its ideas after WW2.


                                              Nope 4 Japan. U live in ur delusions.


                                                ^ OK. I hardly believe you.

                                                And that is out of topic anyway.


                                                  for me its the exact opposite....
                                                  im like 4k+ mmr, but my unraked used to be around 2k mmr cuz i used to play only ranked.
                                                  now if i go play solo normal game i get very high skill, even f i stack with complete 1k mmr friends i get high skill.

                                                  wow what the fuck i didn't even read this thread, nazi? wtf, so you think wanting other races dead is cool or what the fuck,
                                                  get some help???? (or grillfriend???)


                                                    you can get people anywhere from 2k to 6k in unranked with 30% winrate to 100%