General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy the hell do the same 10 people comment in every new players threa...

Why the hell do the same 10 people comment in every new players thread to call them shit? in General Discussion

    Seriously, why the fck do you people show up on every thread to call every sub 3k player a fcking scrub? Benao, slim, Blunt, what the fck do you guys do with your pathetic lives? Do you have mirrors in your house or can you not face yourselves? Just because the pubs you play in are toxic doesn't mean you should continue the trend on a forum because your lives are pathetic.

    Why do you take the time to do that. Why. Where are the moderators and why don't they ban you assholes so you can move on with your pathetic bullshit?

    We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

      ayy lmao


        because no one else bothers to call you shit. its a waste of time but someone has to do it. we just take 1 for the team


          ^ "Well Played"

          playinginursockdrawer mm soc

            That's cute. You think there's mods that have time to patrol every thread.

            By the way, every sub 3k player is a scrub. I know because I'm one of them.


              u fukn scrub y u even took time to post this shit ? srly why the fck


                lol man, you must be mentally challenged in order to perceive any of my comments as offensive.
                screenshot a comment where i call someone shit or "scrub", fuckn scrub shit.

                Ce commentaire a été édité

                  btw nice ranked winrate


                    It's not about "patrolling every thread" these are the top responses in the top threads. This is one of the most useful dota resources but you would never know by looking at the forums. I mean look at your own responses to this thread.

                    Or am I talking to 16 year olds? If that's the case I understand.


                      your comment makes no sense, could you rephrase it?
                      and yeah im 18 but my soul is 16.


                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                          btw dude, today is Christmas, why write such hate on Christmas?
                          you gotta chillax and go spend some quality time with family and friends.

                          road to 4kmmr

                            how are you losing so much in ranked games but still maintains a very high skill bracket?
                            just curious..

                            GoodGuyGolden |



                                I share this account and it takes a lot of losses to get a friend out of 5k(we've been duoqueing, his acct is 5k) I'm 52/48 in soloque personally. Who cares about winrate? I give my teammates pleasurable experiences and I'm never in low prio.

                                I don't celebrate Christmas, this is another day to me. I'm not filled with hate? Just curious as to why you guys feel the need to be so insulting to everyone. It doesn't have to be like that.

                                Linda | DotaExchange

                                  Bah, you joke. With that attitude, you can just move along.

                                  Also, sure, "share profile "

                                  @Violet, you had to do this? Now i need to scroll for 10 sec to top. Junkie

                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                    I keep coming here for Zenoth/Havoc. Zen gave me sage advice on riki builds(get skadi) and Havoc is generally very helpful. But you guys? I wonder what you think of yourselves when you look in a mirror.

                                    Linda | DotaExchange

                                      I think how i am so fucking hot, what else could i think.

                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                        omg, i fucking hate this dog

                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                          wasted 2 min reading those face's

                                          playinginursockdrawer mm soc

                                            The thing is that while they do talk shit, it's shit with actual and legitimate criticism (some of the time). And if you've seen the forums, half the posts are "Team sucks", "How to git gud?". If I posted nearly as much as they did, I'd get pretty tired of being the polite pillar of the community. The toxicity is also intended to weed out the stupid from the 'quality' posts.
                                            An example of this is the "Mid or Meepo" people who make quality montages. Usually you will not see much or any flame on their posts because they actually have good stuff.
                                            A couple of threads with actual content:


                                              I think it depends on how you post. Some posts just ask for others to start calling them shit because of the way they post. (Basically what Poppy said)

                                              When I make a thread here asking for constructive criticism, no one really calls me shit (because if you have already done this, they have no choice but to simply reply and give advice).


                                                one more time op forgot me now i must call him a 3k scrub but i wont cause its xmas

                                                and when its xmas i like grills cause its nice:)


                                                Meepo Lord

                                                  Help im sub 3k. Someone carry me out of here. And who is that faces?


                                                    once again i never post "hateful comments".
                                                    if you think kappa = hate, or saying "gid gud" when a 2-3-4k mmr player posts about shit teammates is hate, i guess you are living in heaven boy.
                                                    and when there are real requests for help, i do give my best advice with the most sophisticated words i can find on google.
                                                    p.s: grills on christmas are nice.

                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                    Low Expectations

                                                      Report Autism_2000 too offensive even the dog in pic is offensive as phuck =>red flower causes instant rage in dotobufferinos causing everyone becoming tarded. Also 3k is the worst fucking place ever. They should all be reported and start playing league of lesbians.

                                                      the realm's delight
                                                        Ce commentaire a été supprimé

                                                          @SHADYXV boost me senpaii my solo ranked ~('-'~) imma add you now xD


                                                            boost me too!

                                                            the realm's delight
                                                              Ce commentaire a été supprimé
                                                              Meepo Lord

                                                                Really?. Whats the exchange? Is my love already enough?

                                                                Meepo Lord

                                                                  I added you now why im still ,......mmr ??? Wheres the mmr boost item? I cant find anything, will that double my mmr every win?

                                                                  the realm's delight
                                                                    Ce commentaire a été supprimé
                                                                    Meepo Lord

                                                                      You say you boost my mmr. I added you but your on europe.

                                                                      Meepo Lord

                                                                        Lol deleted comments.

                                                                        the realm's delight

                                                                          yeah forget it

                                                                          Meepo Lord

                                                                            Now my hopes are all gone T_T.