General Discussion

General DiscussionSniper.

Sniper. in General Discussion

    Ok, so i would usually laugh when someone would pick sniper and always felt that we'd be better off without a sniper on the team. Like others, I've fed on snipers a lot. Usually I would fuck enemy snipers mid, esp. with viper and storm.

    But I've been playing the hero a bit now, and I realize, the dweeb requires quite a bit of skill. So I'm thinking, stomping snipers are players with decent skill. He's a true hard carry, vulnerable at the start, and a killing machine if he gets 3, 4 big items.

    But Pudge srsli fucks him over.

    What I'm interested in is whether sniper can outlane pudge mid, cuz every time I pick sniper, enemy picks pudge and fucks me no matter how much I try to avoid the hooks by sticking behind the creeps. Sooner or later, that fat fuck gets you from the trees and one ulti = death. The answer ofcourse, are wards, but in pubs, wards are minimal and u can't really ward every frkin part of the map, every time. No matter how good I try to position sniper in team fights too, pudge pretty much obliterates him. Even a safe lane sniper gets fucked by pudge later in the game.

    Also any thts abt the following skill build, I usually try to go for it;
    RoA > Treads > Maelstrom > Mjolnir > Eye of Skadi > Butterfly/Assault Cuirass

    And maybe a shadow blade in there if I need it. But its useless in a match against pudge. A blink dagger could be thought of as well, for optimal positioning in team fights?


      I like blink on the dude.


        I was reading the first few sentences and though.. "hmm, interesting. He has some special idea/thought regarding sniper?"

        Then you talk about Sniper Pudge matchup? Cmon dude. Pudge's the easiest matchup for sniper.

        Obviously it can be hard if you put no levels in your E (Increase attack-range), as he can catch up to you.
        But in reality hooks that you know are coming aren't hard to dodge. Also, you should never be in hookrange.

        The only chance you get killed mid is by a gank, not by a solo pudge. If you get killed by solo pudge in mid, that's a huge mistake.
        Yes, those mistakes happens in the few pro games pudge gets picked. Shit happens, but it shouldn't at any cost happen.

        Going early phase boots can be ideal vs Pudge, especially if you trouble so much against him regarding his hook ability.


          True. I guess my average 350 ping also plays a part in the difficulty to avoid hooks.


            well pudge...
            now when ministun is gone.. it's sad

            Pom Pom 🍕

              against pudge you should get an early point in q and use it to gain vision where he might be, so you have more awareness of his position. You can even use 3 at a time now to check 3 locations.

              Also never be afraid of buying wards as a mid hero. It's only 150 gold per set, which is like 4 creep kills. For team fight positioning consider a blink dagger to keep yourself always in distance (can also use it to blink away from hooks).

              THICC BABY SHUM

                I rate this forum a (2)

                Make love, not flame

                  1. Buy wards yourself right away, place on mid to see him. Care, clever pudge should be going even behind your creeps to hook you. Especially hook range is now higher.

                  2. Learn to control creeps on mid and get them on your hill.

                  3. Get dagger or situational sb.

                  4. Don't go first nor second in massfight, wait a second and then start wrecking it.


                    " average 350 ping"

                    Ok...that's the first thing you need to fix.


                      350ms? Wow my normals are at 32ms and went it gets laggy (88ms) i start to rage, i wouldnt even play dota at 350ms. This is your problem good sir, hope it gets better!


                        ^^^ font size, yh, those bastard clever pudges do get behind your own side and hook you from there

                        ^^ Zano and ^ Pure, u guys are right, but its kinda hopeless here, pakistan has its net problems. but true, I shudn't be playing at 350 ping, I was just so addicted I couldn't control myself

                        Dire Wolf

                          Just ward uphill, then if he's not on one side where your ward is assume he is on the other side. Then build some freaking hp items, s&y is a good one, or skadi or bkb. If you get enough so he can't kill you with one hook ult combo you will be fine even if you make position mistakes.

                          Abang Rey

                            sniper isn't squishy at just the start, he is squishy throughout the game. if your teammate decide that they want to carry too, its pretty much over from the draft. am/spec/slark + sniper has like a winrate of 10%

                            Dire Wolf

                              That's not true. Headshot makes sniper quite stony if you get hp. With s&y and Skadi he is hard for anyone to kill


                                350ms lmao that's like if I decide to play on Russian server


                                  why you say that lol
                                  slark/spec teamate are good
                                  antimage is bad, he farms then dies, then ggwp lol