General Discussion

General DiscussionLegion commander nerfed severely

Legion commander nerfed severely in General Discussion
Nikosh Adhar

    Is this the legion commander we used to know??
    Look at her.. Look at the patch 6.83 and See the winrate...
    She is in the bracket of lowest winrate..(43% only) Despite she is in the most played hero..
    She is in the 17th I guess.. What's this.. What happened to the wonder
    woman of dota 2.. Does she deserve this? Like come on.. If she can't carry the game with
    These changes put her into the support role and remove her position of carry..
    Nowadays u cant even win duels with 80 bonus damage lc against full backtrack no item void.

    Ce sujet a été édité

      now you're just somebody that i used to know

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          gotye timberlake



            THICC BABY SHUM

              Omg st fu and pick other 100 heroes ezy solve. Whorry shit.


                LC is "weaker" now because of an influx of LC Pickers who think that shitty builds are bad. They've been blinded by the way she's used in pro games (as a lockdown initiator like Batrider) and stupidly try to play her this way in their dumpsters, too. The problem is, in a random pub game, you can guarantee that your teammates are terrible and aren't going to win for you.

                Here's a hint, if you are picking LC in a pub, play her like a carry. Only buy Blink if you really need it, and never buy Blade Mail and other relatively garbage support-ish items). Here's an example of how I feel LC should be played in the vast wastelands of Sub-VH-Skill: