General Discussion

General DiscussionHow important is early game now?

How important is early game now? in General Discussion

    I often win matches after a nightmare in early game, and next time I lose after a great advantage. It makes me think that early game doesn't mean anything. What do you think?

    Dire Wolf

      It depends on your team and theirs. If early game gets your carry free farm and he's a late game carry then you need that. If you win early game but don't have tower dmg it might not matter. If you early game and have pushers early you can win. Problems are when you win early game but can't quite take a rax and other team has like 5 carries. That's how you lose late.

      i love u butt

        as long as the draft is similar in late game potential, the early game sets the tone for the game.
        If your team wins the early game AND does not let up the pressure, its a free win.

        The higher your mmr, the more important the early game phase is.
        Because the opponents will less likely to make game losing mistakes


          ^this is true, when i stack with my friends who are significantly lower mmr than me, i tend to get midas on any hero and just farm and fuck around, because the game will last for more than 30 minutes.
          in higher mmr you can get rekt and pushed fast, but in lower you can get rekt, buy midas and win the game.


            Midas is trash item since patch 6.82 changes. It works completely differently now.

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              i wouldn't call it trash when games last for 30+ minutes.
              and most 3kmmr games last even longer.


                More than 30 minutes or less - this is not important. The only thing you get from Midas since 6.82 patch is +30 attack speed. That's it.




                    I'm not trolling. Think about it and you will understand what I mean.

                    i love u butt

                      guess professional players who get midas like rtz and iceiceice are bad players



                        I just wanted to post regarding midas chat


                          Before patch 6.82 Midas was a simple item: you bought it, you used it and you got extra gold and xp.

                          Now it is more complicated. Imagine that you just bought Midas and used it. And then one of your teammates dies (and they will die, because it's easy in DOTA) on the other side of the map. And guess what? Enemy team gets more gold and xp for that kill just because YOU HAVE MIDAS!

                          So how Midas works now: you buy it, you use it, but gold and xp is now shared between you and enemy team. This doesn't makes any sense, because Midas used to be an item that helps you to outfarm enemy team, but now you can't achieve that goal. Midas is broken since 6.82.

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                              AoE XP XPFactor reduced from 0.3/0.3/0.2/0.15/0.12 to 0.23/0.23/0.2/0.15/0.12

                              Reduced AoE XP bonus factor for 1/2/3/4/5 hero kills from 0.5/0.35/0.25/0.2/0.15 to 0.3/0.3/0.2/0.15/0.12
                              Adjusted bonus area of effect XP


                              Buyback cooldown increased from 6 to 7 minutes
                              AoE Gold NWFactor reduced from 0.06/0.06/0.05/0.04/0.03 to 0.05/0.05/0.05/0.04/0.03

                              Reworked how the AoE bonus Gold calculation is done slightly: NWDifference variable is now (EnemyTeamNW/AlliedTeamNW) - 1 [Min 0, Max 1]
                              Rescaled the AoE Gold constant multipliers (in part to account for the formula tweak) from 0.26/0.22/0.18/0.14/0.1 to 0.06/0.06/0.05/0.04/0.03
                              Kill Streak Bounty from 100->800 to 60->480 (6.81: 125->1000)
                              Adjusted bonus area of effect Gold and XP



                                Assisting heroes Gold awarded
                                1 Hero 40 + (7 × Dying Hero's Level) + (0.05 × Dying Hero's Net Worth × Net Worth Difference) Gold icon.png
                                2 Heroes 30 + (6 × Dying Hero's Level) + (0.05 × Dying Hero's Net Worth × Net Worth Difference) Gold icon.png
                                3 Heroes 20 + (5 × Dying Hero's Level) + (0.05 × Dying Hero's Net Worth × Net Worth Difference) Gold icon.png
                                4 Heroes 10 + (4 × Dying Hero's Level) + (0.04 × Dying Hero's Net Worth × Net Worth Difference) Gold icon.png
                                5 Heroes 10 + (4 × Dying Hero's Level) + (0.03 × Dying Hero's Net Worth × Net Worth Difference) Gold icon.png

                                Net Worth Difference is defined as (Enemy team net worth / Allied team net worth) - 1 and has a minimum of zero and a maximum of one.


                                  soultrap если ты будешь фидить на кэрри то ты вьебешь игру независимо от того есть ли у тебя мидас или нет)

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                                  waku waku

                                    if they don't push as 5 when they have an advantage it's not very important


                                      Не факт. Вот к примеру матч:
                                      Тут тебе и фид, и полностью слитое начало игры, и моя эпическая игра на Легионке, и мидас у противника. И что?...

                                      Изи +25...

                                      waku waku

                                        it's because the enemy team had an useless pile of rotten putrid decay to counterbalance you


                                          So is midas bad or farming is bad?
                                          Because with your logic farming is bad when your team feeds.


                                            ^I said Midas is much worse than it was before.


                                              early game doesn't really matter especially with this catchup thing