General Discussion

General Discussion6 slotted questions...

6 slotted questions... in General Discussion

    When you've used up 5 slots of big items you generally want to save one for tp, right?

    When are the instances which you switch to Travels before buying your 6th item or getting your 6th item then swapping boots to Travels??

    I always seem to prioritize Travels because I don't like not having TP but lately I'm starting to think that its a big leak because I pay 2.7k to teleport and lose my the functions of my original boots. Which is sorta spending gold to make my hero weaker...


      buy bots when u got ur core items


        if you are the main dps of the team, then yeah it's a problem, you might mb want to buy traval and follow yourself with a chicken, so you can switch boot (or even 2 chicken with both power tread /phase boot in it) so your travel just become a tp.

        If you are not the main dps of the team, then you have no question to ask to yourself, travel will never downgrade you

        Dire Wolf

          It depends a lot on what hero you are and what your items are. For example, do you have a blink and are a fast hero anyway? Do you need to save money for buyback first? Can your team hold a rax push without you tp'ing back?


            TP is so important, you generally should always upgrade to to BoTs before getting your 5th item. There might be niche circumstances where you do the opposite, like if you are behind and will be sitting defending the base for a while, or if you know you are gonna die in their base and buy back to get home, but 99% of the time you want BoTs. When you see people getting their item and not carrying TP it's because they are gambling on not needing one - maybe they are about to GG push or something. Basically not a good idea.

            Of course, if you have a hero on your team who can move you round (KOTL, Chen) then you can go for the item, and on super mobile heroes you can maybe get away without too - I've relied on Slark's movespeed before, for instance. OTOH I can remember a pro game (from TI3 qualifiers I think?) where the AM tried to blink his way back to base to save it, and failed.

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              am with blink is faster than haste you know.
              So if you have no prob with slark, than you shouldn't have one with am