General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's a perfect slark's item build?

What's a perfect slark's item build? in General Discussion

    Any main ones? For eg; ant image has its own 1 build which most of the am players follow.. Treads->Bf->manta->vlad->heart or abyss etc etc

    Is there any for slark or everything is optional... New to slark that's how i build;

    Bottle->treads->shadow blade->drums->s&y->eyeofskadi etc etc

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      black goes 5 min midas followed by like min 8 dagger or smth then skady basher gggggg


        5min Midas? wtf and a dagger? I'm pretty sure that's optional build an not main one. It's a pretty good build I might follow it

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          more like a 4:20 minute midas


            its his main build. Don't you dare underestimate the "BLACK"


              Ik it's his main build but no one else's build that maybe 3-4ppl. I want some other safe build


                This guy builds mom and diff in 6.83 and its working


                  treads/oov/drums/aquila -> lothars/dagger -> sny/skadi (whatever, game should be over before this).

                  @666 is retarded




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                    doesnt matter what you build, it all depends on not braindeadfucking teammates and how well you play


                      Wats oov?


                        orb of venom


                          usually treads drums blink skaidi will win u game


                            orb of venom. I like treads, aquilla, shadow blade/blink, skadi, basher and then optionals (upgrade abyssal, mkb etc.) Think BKB is a good pick up against high amount of lockdown. Sometimes bottle if I'm mid. Think Diffusal going to be a great pick up now and will for sure pick it up in my next game.

                            Midas great if you can free farm it, otherwise Slark is pretty snowbally and a few early items together with lvl 6 go a long way to making the snowball happen. Treads + aquilla decent enough.


                              dude, you're owning all of your games. How dafuq do you have 60% win rate and still in normal skill bracket, valve took this anti-smurf method too far i guess.


                                Scrubs in normal skill racket gets too hard for me to carry.... Someone borrow my acc an boost please. Guff me mercieh


                                  I actually noticed that the other day dude, was a little shocked actually with that win rate and just seeing normal skill. 500 games is more then enough so kind of baffles me. Have you calibrated your MMR yet? maybe ranked is the way forward for you. Although if Australia is like South Africa finding local ranked games is near impossible. Played one other day on Europe West with 300 ping and still won but the difference is real.


                                    pt>aquila or bottle if mid>drums>dagger>skadi>bkb


                                      phase or treads drums sny good stats 522 ms


                                        bots , super basher , buterflym skadi , rapier , rapier


                                          I also rush midas to slark if my lane is so uncontested. But if i can;t farm i go bottle and roam with slark then treads>dagger>skadi

                                          now im trying out diffu + skadi


                                            orb of venom, aquila, choose dagger or shadow blade depending on game, then SNY / skadi - basher / assault / butterfly / bkb

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              There's like three main builds I see most people use, rushing blink, rushing shadow blade or neither. After that it's usually s&y, basher and skadi. Maybe a bkb in there.



                                                Had a good game.. midas>treads>blink went pretty good.... Apparently there was a australian named NanJing.japan DOG REMEMBER 1937.12.13... hahah he was playing ns


                                                  midas , dagon , eblade, refresher


                                                    Perfect is shit
                                                    Alias of one of the best mid player in dota1

                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                      midas, vangaurd, radiance, bladmail, dagon 5, vail


                                                        fay ur a verified type a dumbass

                                                        slark u should go stout/salve/tango/2x branch ofr safelane in most cases

                                                        ring of protection can be swapped with stout

                                                        after that go treads aquila blink, get a bracer in between if ur really struggling but usually ur fine

                                                        bkb, skadi, abyssal, sny are all fine after that

                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                          SUCH BAD BUILD EYES HURT.


                                                            ur caps lock and autism are more painful actually




                                                                you dont buy phase on slark because it already has bonus movement and when pounced, your enemy stays the same, you need attack speed for early game and survivability for late game.