General Discussion

General DiscussionSuper Sad Support

Super Sad Support in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    What to do when you're a super sad support?
    I know that both Ogre Magi and Silencer are greedy supports, but I just get blown up before every fight.
    Whenever I go to ward, there's either Faceless Void just sitting in our jungle farming away as he timelocks me to death, a Riki that a 4-5 shots me, or I get dewarded by Witch Doctor.


      Um, in this game, supporting with Silencer is bad idea.

      You shoud went mid, try to pick up some kills and get your items.

      Silencer has no escape meh. so playing him as support against qop, Riki and void is terrible idea.

      Next time, get tankier support vs those guys like omni.


        Silencer isn't pure support because he has no stuns or slows. Also, his ult is global so you don't have to be standing in front lines when teamfight starts. I think you must rush AgS to make your global presence stronger or get some positioning tool (aka Blink or Force Staff).

        P.S. You can give wards to your more elusive/tankier teammates (that Weaver for example).

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          I enjoy supporting with Tusk. He is a fun/funny hero to play as. He has a little bit of crowd control because I use his Ice Shards to block people in the river etc. I love snowball, it saves lives. His E gives good MS/AS slow and obv his ULT is just great, most rewarding skill when you kill someone from a Walrus Punch. Playing him as support + his ability to get some kills early means you will have plenty of $$ for wards/dust/items.


            overall draft is greedy -

            Ghost scepter woulda been 100x better - buy a smoke to ward so you know if ricki is following u. If he jumps you while warding he most likely is alone - ghost scepter tp and ur good.

            IF you dont wanna blow a smoke deward at the same time you ward which will help avoid dying to invis heroes. It obviously costs 100-200 more gold to do this but it will avoid feeding to the enemy. IT pays to be more carefull as a support

            if you notice the difference in gold and exp happens after mid game when they were able to feed off supports. Most gold was earned from kills over farming, this allowed them to surpass your carries.

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              "ghost scepter tp and ur good."

              im 99% sure tping will dispel ghost form


                I think only Ghost + Travel Boots can do the trick.

                आप गे क्यों

                  no surprise you lost, you got outdrafted HARD.
                  Both am and weaver went paper builds and would have died to a solo smoke riki. Much less a chrono.

                  worse was ogre, had no items i would consider essential for a good ogre. Soul ring and aghs.

                  Btw, ogre/silencer aren't greedy supports. They do their part well without much items. Still a position 5 silencer is a terrible support.

                  A greedy support is usually defined by a heavy jungler like engima or an earth shaker that need a dagger to be effective. That said PPD ran a daggerless es and won.

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