General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat items would make my viper 1v5

What items would make my viper 1v5 in General Discussion

    I use viper mid, because i can snowball easily, and give my carries a little time to farm, but sometimes
    they're a pain in the ass, the rest 4 of your teammates are burden, and you still have your dammed enemies,

    I already tried the standard bulid which is
    Treads/Phase -> Aqualia -> Meka --> Agha --> BKB/Heart
    Usually the optimal bulid, but does not really work sometimes in certain situations like this
    ( pardon me, its a normal skill game, ) , I was par with Riki as the highest net worth, i won some ez clashes, got GODLIKE BEYOND and yet, we lose, because my carries can't keep up with the MONEY AND FARM , and i was becoming phaseout as late game starts, and judging by my item bulid, i would be DEFINITELY useless at late game.

    so now, just in case , i met this situation again ,
    any suggestion for item bulids? so i can 1v5 using viper?

    Ce sujet a été édité

      if you are getting 100 cs in 40 minutes you aren't going to 1v5 anything but a group of 5 idiots


        i am so sorry about that, i can't do a single thing , they destroyed all tier 2 towers, warded our jungle,
        and riki roaming the map, in other words, they controlled more than half of the map, i can't risk myself to die a senseless death, just because i need more CS.
        I guess i'll find another way then.

        NextStep ®

          Get some cheap early stats item like wand, aquila or drum for meka usage.
          The mana cost nerf is kinda huge for non-int meka carrier.

          Dune, the Desert Planet

            Check out my last Viper game. It will answer your questions


              If you want to carry with Viper, you must buy carry items. Leave Meks and Aghanims to supports.

              Miku Plays

                Aghanims is a core on viper... ult every 12 cd is OP


                  I'm sorry but you deserve to lose three hundred games in a row for spamming viper of all heroes. There is a special place in hell for you.


                    Just saying that if you bought Mek+AgS for early game, then don't be surprised that you have low impact in late game.

                    आप गे क्यों

                      lower tier games = rarely push early as 5. if ever = skip meka

                      replace meka with sny or drums for +ms%

                      better suggestion is to know when to ping teammates and call for pushes/gank, thats how u climb out of normal


                        if you want to 1v5 in normal skill pick TA

                        आप गे क्यों

                          meka + agh = you are utility/control - something that viper sucks at.
                          Don't use pro builds in a pub situation.

                          When they get viper, that goes agh+meka - they will have a strong team behind that cancels tps and deals the burst dmg

                          You will rarely get that, so if you go snake cancer (ugh) get items that will support what your team is doing.

                          Farming + split pushing = necro book
                          Ganking = Drums/Sny/Manta
                          AFK Farming = Aquila/Mom (works wonders for me)


                            Literally always go aquila->wand if needed->treads(to toggle to int)->mek->aghs. Aghs can be skipped in lieu of a carry build when needed.


                              what the dude with the MJ avatar said. mek is an idiotic item in low skill games, its an item for team pushing/fighting early on, neither of which exist at the level you play at

                              Phase/Aquila is a must, you generally want a mixture of AS + bulk. Manta/SNY or at least the yasha is good to start with, extension into items like AC/HoT/Butterfly or MKB if needed. Generally speaking you should be maxing corrosive skin first as well.

                              necro3 is interesting, I think I would only get it against WK/invisi heroes though.

                              Dire Wolf

                                Viper doesn't really 1v5 and he does crap tower damage. Viper's goal in life is to win mid by a lot so the enemy mid is ineffective with farm and ganks. His secondary role is to gank side lanes and his tertiary role is to snowball off kills. Focus on winning your lane, getting to 60 cs by min 10 with a bunch of denies too. Hopefully if you wreck their mid hard you'll be far enough ahead to swing team fights in your favor or get your real carries ahead in farm to do the tower dmg.

                                Also if PA wasn't on your team butterfly is a really good item but with a PA you know someone will build an mkb eventually. In that case AC is a pretty good alternative.


                                  may I ask why u bought Blademail?

                                  And them taking your towers and shit is no excuse for having 100 lasthits at 40minutes.


                                    "destroyed all t2 towers!"
                                    400 tower damage

                                    Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                      If you're playing 1v5 you're doing it wrong. Instead, buy items that boost your team mates (Mek, AC, Linken, Halberd, Scythe, Atos, Medaillion, Abyssal Blade, Shivas, Urn, etc are all great items if you want to win games, not all of them work that well on Viper though obviously).

                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                        I don't know about anybody else, but for me, going Mek + Aghanim's Viper has always worked ever since I started building them.
                                        Also, going safelane is not a bad idea. Ez kills if you have a support with a disable, which means faster core items and a lot of spare gold for more right click oriented items for the mid game.


                                          if you want to snowball 1v5 as viper you 100% need shadowblade as it allows to to solo kill ppl off the map


                                            you under VHS tier should focus on your farming mechanics to pull you out of that shit hole.


                                              Viper needs no wuss items like Shadow Blade.


                                                its for solo kills not for escape


                                                  Still a wuss item.


                                                    bought blademail, because riki, and sniper would focus to me during teamfights, they hate me so much.


                                                      Mek is a must on viper. Viper without an armor is really painful to play with... Mek + Scepter is a core on viper. If you really want to play a carry and doesn't want to get a mek,, simply dont pick does heroes (razor, viper, dp)


                                                        ^lmao what? mek is only core on viper/razor in games where teams are looking to team fight and team push more. In lower level pub games, these are far less common, and while the item is certainly not useless, it does mean that other items become a lot more viable.

                                                        as for "viper without armor is really painful to play with", viper has 8.3 armor at level 7 with aquila...which is sufficient, and you can certainly play heroes like viper and razor without mek. DP doesn't and shouldn't be buying mek anyway..


                                                          mek on viper is not what it used to be in pubs now imho.

                                                          the increased mana cost was a huge nerf, and it must be maximized in team fights rather than being a simple go to item. Viper can get armor elsewhere for MUCH less. Mek is certainly not a "bad" item on viper, but it is "bad" if you aren't healing 3-5 team mates with it during team fights. If you can't rely on your team to get together as 5 and try to end quickly, then meka isn't going to be that great on viper.

                                                          wraith band/aquila -> phase/treads -> yasha is my preferred atm.

                                                          After that go into aghs/manta or S&Y/bkb/assault etc...

                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                            I'm not sure if we really should be advicing OP ways to 1v5 with Viper though. The hero is awful for that.

                                                            No easier hero for 2v5ing though.