General Discussion

General Discussionhow to meepo

how to meepo in General Discussion

    hello. i need help on how to set up this hero. i know how to farm/fight, but i really dont know how to control him. i guess i can use blink/poof to mouse location without click to make it easier, but is that all? i just browse them with tab and do this? arent there any special controls or something to make it easier? if you got any tips about this, feel free to share

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      Control groups?


        what is that?


          meepo 1 ctrl+1

          all other meepos ctrl+2

          Tab poof tab poof tab poof.


            thats actually helpfull.

            after googling control groups, ive read some guides.

            im going for meepo 1- ctrl +1
            meepo 2,3 - ctrl+3
            meepo 4,5 - ctrl+4
            2,3,4,5 - ctrl+2

            looks like i gotta poof/earthbind with each of them with tab. ctrl +2, poof wont poof both of them, right? the groups are just to move them around. they dont affect skills. correct me if im wrong.

            also, how do i make a -test game? i mean, being alone, lvl 25, max gold. -test mode from d1:D

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              hmm, i have a problem. how do i set up those control groups? all i see are old guides with the old UI.


                enable cheats box on lobby settings..

                btw meepo iisnt that hard but u must have brain to play this hero

                its up to u


                  i can play it. used to do it a lot on d1. i already got the poof-blink thingie from 3rd try lol
                  but atm, idk how to set up the groups control. will this group thingie make me unable to use items from 1-2-3-4-5-6? because thats what it happens now.


                    someone wants points


                      exacly. wanna climb to 4k (3,5k atm, dont hate, started from 2,6), and this hero seems the right one for that.

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                        go play slark and go 4.5k if ur good enough


                          cmon, help me setting up those control groups. i really see how they can be usefull. getting the poof+ blink+ earthbind everytime for 20 mins already.

                          oh, 1 more thing. how do i reset tower's target between meepos? saw some vid of w33's meepo diving fountain, and fountain was attacking each of them.


                            to reset tower target i think you just a-click on another allied unit (creep, hero etc)


                              ye lol, makes sense. also, it works. ty


                                you select one meepo and use attack on the meepo with more hp and aggro will change to that meepo.


                                  how about groups? i went for ctrl+1 on group 1, but all it did was remove my 1 item hotkey.


                                    yeah obviously you cant bind one key with two actions ~
                                    either you change the item key or the group.

                                    i use qsdf for spells and w space r x y g for items, if u do that u have entire numbers free for ctrl groups


                                      Chuffy, there isn't a single one way to play meepo. 1-5 is for people used to starcraft styled control groups. if you use 1-6 for items, don't use them for meepo. Instead, hotkey the main meepo, all minor meepos, and all meepos together so u use 3 hotkeys. I personally used space, b and v for mine and tabbed through meepos when i played him. Also learn about quick cast for poofs/nets!


                                        hmm, i see. im probably going to use 1-6 for items and e (1), r (2,3,4,5), t (2,3), y (4,5) for groups, because im already used with those controls from invoker (cant play him with d/f). or something like that anyway. gonna see which fits better.

                                        but i still dont understand how i set those groups. select meepo 1, go settings, put a hotkey E for group 1, then select all meepos, go settings, put R for group 2 and so on?
                                        also, i gotta do this every game? and if i dont want to play meepo i gotta remove group controls and put back my skills?

                                        cant i just save a "profile" with specific binds and chose it whenever i want to play meepo?

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                                        Mr. Nice Guy

                                          my hotkeys: 1 for main hero . 2 all units. 3 all other units
                                          when i have 1 meepo i dont need control groups. neither with 2,3 meepoes.
                                          4 meepo- z for 2 meepo . x for the other meepoes. (to farm easier jungle and lane same time or to finish the jungle faster 20-30 sec)
                                          5 meepo-1 for main hero,as allways. you split the other meepoes in 2 other groups and farm with them.
                                          item build: starting items,i ussualy go for poor man shield and 1 branch,supports share me 2-3 tangoes. go for fast treads and agh. yes,agh before blink . in min 12-14 you should have these items. this means 4 meepoes or 15 meepoes. go jungle till you finish blink. when you have blink,carry tp and if team needs help,go help them .otherwise,just farm till you finish scythe too. just after you finish scythe you rlly start to gank.
                                          manta is one of the best items for meepo,it was hard for me to understand this,but trust me ,it is rlly good.


                                            I use legacy, main meepo on F1, 2nd meepo on F2 etc
                                            1 all units, 2 all other units, 3 meepo 2-3, 4 meepo 4-5
                                            quickcast helps a lot

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                                              I do main on 1
                                              all on 2
                                              all but main on 3 4 and 5 cuz in case I fat finger when i blink poof

                                              using 3 through 5 poof in desired location then hit 1 and blink


                                              most people struggle with microing the hurt meepos - If you find it hard to click on the character model try hitting the control group containing all meepo and select on the lowest health bar. If blink poofing into a fight normally you only have to focus on one meepo that is hurt. If dealing with lots of AOE blink in with main to net then wait until they expend big aoe moves like ravage, static storm, tree ult etc then poof your mapo in after. Micro the hurt one away as your other 4 come in netting anyone chasing your main.


                                                Had Meepos in my last 2 games. When this hero became so popular?


                                                  I set up mine as

                                                  Ctrl + 1 main meepo
                                                  Ctrl + 2 4th and 5th meepo
                                                  Ctrl + 3 2nd and 3rd meepo
                                                  Ctrl + 4 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th meepo

                                                  I use this mainly because when farming neutrals i send them 2 meepos per camp so you can clear camps as soon as possible without gettign stomped by a centaur or getting clapped by a bear


                                                    Best meepo guide in the game:


                                                      this is a script lawl - who the fk needs a script or macros for that point.