General Discussion

General Discussion[ Enlight Me Plis ] About New Patch etc.

[ Enlight Me Plis ] About New Patch etc. in General Discussion

    well ive been off Dota for some days now.. College fucked me up.. im to tired to play and i sleep too much:D

    i dont know whats happening with Item drops arcanas and such.. or new event

    i just want to get some izi items if possible ... what i must do?

    i dont have compedium btw

    Ce sujet a été édité

      someone in the game u play needs to have arcana (not the pa picker necessarily, if anyone in the game has the item its good), there has to be a pa picked on one team and a hero oracle fears on the other team, u can check heroes here
      pa gets a contract on one of those heroes and in order to get items pa has to kill that hero first and then win the game, or if u play vs pa the hero who has a contract on has to kill pa first and then win the game

      this works only in unranked

      Ce commentaire a été édité

        and you dont get items being in lp but the prediction charm works


          And its not 100% u will get items ive played yesterday and won 2 i got an item in 1 of them and the other got nothing :'( + the items r untradable


            Sounds funny and interesting but i love how the link u gave me automaticaly apeared in Russian language ahahahaha

            i think i must stop russia server gg volvo got me


              every arcana carrier triggers a chance for drops so the more the better the chance for a drop

              THICC BABY SHUM

                azhga domi linadiorasio fordimi noob fuimbadi bazsuo.


                  fucking braindead Dimitri^

                  are u on drugs again :'( y u post dis