General Discussion

General DiscussionCoaching Stream

Coaching Stream in General Discussion
Ples Mercy

    Hey guys!
    I wanted to stream this weekend (Saturday and Sunday) and thought i might promote myself a bit.

    About me:
    My name is Robert aka Blunt, I'm 24 years old and am living in Denmark. I've been playing Dota 2 for quite some time, I started playing Dota 2 since December 2012, since then I learned so much about the game and got even better than a lot of other people who played since the Dota 1 days. Currently I have multiple 5k accounts because I was very curious about the grinding and differences in each MMR range, hence I got quite good at coaching people since I know what is going on in each MMR range and what people usually need to imrpove.

    What will I be streaming?
    Well Dota 2 Of course! But since I went on so many streams and saw a lot of people who had so many questions to higher skilled players but never got answers, I decided to make these 2 days 'coaching days'. My goal is to not only to have fun, but also to show you guys a couple of interesting things and to teach you some Dota.

    I will do:
    → Some Replay analysis.
    → Playing with my viewers (ranked or non ranked depending on what you guys want and party MMR)
    → Gameplay
    → Showing you guys useful stuff in lobby

    Since a couple of people are interested in getting replay analysis of their own I would welcome your contribution, meaning, you can post me some match ID's and if I think they are a nice example, I will do them on stream!

    Other Information about the stream:
    → Link:
    → Starting time: 18:00 (6PM) Central European Time. On 22. November & 23. November
    I am not sure about the duration of the stream, since it really depends on the viewers.

    I hope some will show up to make it interesting, it's basically free coaching :)

    'Coaching strim', look at information about strim, show up or RIOT.


      Nice, I will be watching meepo game plays. Got time now on holidays.


        ill play with you, and carry you ofc.


          I'll be tuning in for sure :D


            remember that it takes a while to get viewers so don't give up after just one stream session


              I would like to play as well and watch and learn

              THICC BABY SHUM

                Nice job Blunt, keep it up.

                Ples Mercy

                  stream starting in 30mins ;3


                    good luck


                      omg playing noob hero wk


                        give meepo or riot


                          next game
                          he meepo
                          me drow


                            Nice stream blunt, but whats the reasoning of East? And if you're looking for some kind of "coachstream", I think It'd be more relevant to play least with only 5ks, and not bounch of 4ks and 3ks.

                            Cool to see you back though. :)



                              If you would be interested in looking at a shitty meepo!


                                wait, is blunt really 5k now?

                                if so Good Job.

                                NextStep ®

                                  ^ Looks like it.


                                  Try to focus the game a little while you do the talking.
                                  It's kinda annoying to watch someone missing last hit here and there. lol :)


                                    he is actually pretty good, and a cool guy
                                    i would recommend to watch and learn, filthy unskillz


                                      NO MUSIC NO WATCH :sad:


                                        gg blunt

                                        Ples Mercy

                                          streaming in 15min dis time with musix


                                            wonder how much pu_s_s_y u get man


                                              NICE bluntino ggwp